Decision details

Didcot Garden Town HIF 1 – Bridge Scheme, SRO and CPO - Delegated Decision by the Director of Law Governance

Decision Maker: Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The decision will accurately identify and confirm the Bridge Scheme, the SRO Order and the CPO requirements of the HIF1 project.
The reasons for the decision are expressed in the Cabinet report.

At the point of making the decision (during the Cabinet meeting), further clarifications and amendments to the Bridge Scheme, Side Roads Order (and plans), CPO, Order Map and Joint Statement of Reasons were being identified/made which could not be completed/reflected in time for the Cabinet meeting.


At a Cabinet Meeting on 19 July 2022 (reference 2021/134) Cabinet resolved (inter alia) to:
c) Authorise the Director of Law & Governance to amend and finalise the draft Joint Statement of Reasons for the Bridge Scheme, the SRO and the CPO;

d) Authorise the Director of Law & Governance to make the Bridge Scheme, the SRO and the CPO and to subsequently advertise them and submit them to the Secretary of State for confirmation.

Further to the delegations set out above, delegated decisions are taken as follows:
• to amend and finalise the draft Joint Statement of Reasons for the Bridge Scheme, the SRO and the CPO; and
• to make the Bridge Scheme, the SRO and the CPO and to subsequently advertise them and submit them to the Secretary of State for confirmation

As a result, the Council is to proceed with making the SRO, CPO and Bridge Orders for the HIF scheme as documented within associated appendices.

Certain information is to be made exempt until the CPO is formally made and submitted to the Secretary of State.

Alternative options considered:

Not applicable

Publication date: 31/01/2023

Date of decision: 21/12/2022