Decision details

Didcot Central - Proposed Permit Parking Area

Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek approval for the introduction of a permit parking area in the central area of Didcot


The Chair introduced the item, invited speakers to address the meeting and responded to their points in turn.


The Chair noted that enforcement needed to improve, both as a sanction and a deterrent and stated that the civil enforcement procurement process was underway for local Councillors to feed into.


Officers referred to the issue of Sundays being included and along with the Chair, confirmed it would remain under review.


The Chair and officers engaged in discussion regarding the particular issues as raised by the local Church, with relation to a Monday-Saturday scheme.


The Chair referred to petition previously presented at a meeting last year regarding Lydalls Road parking issues.


Officers noted that the amount of visitor permits was consistent in zones across the County.


Following a question from the Chair, officers confirmed their engagement with the School Streets programme team to mitigate any potential impacts and that a permit parking area could help in tackling parking during the hours of operation for these schemes.


The Chair thanked officers for their work, speakers for their contributions and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




Approve the introduction of parking controls in Didcot as follows:


a)    The introduction of no waiting at any time restrictions on sections of Bosleys Orchard, Edinburgh Drive, Garth Road, Haydon Road, King Alfred Drive, Lydalls Close, Lydalls Road, Manor Road, Melton Drive, Orchard Close, and Stonor Close.


b)    The introduction of permit holders only past this point restrictions, during the hours of 8am to 8pm, every day, on sections of Blagrave Close, Blenheim Close, Bosleys Orchard, Britwell Road, Edinburgh Drive (excluding that section adjacent to Broadway), Garth Road, Haydon Road, King Alfred Drive, Lydalls Close, Lydalls Road, Manor Road, Melton Drive, Orchard Close, Roman Place, and Stonor Close.


c)    To remove All Saints Court and Great Western Drive from the proposals, but to include them in monitoring the impact of the scheme.


d)    To proceed with the proposals in Lydalls Road (West), but to instruct officers to review the parking restrictions in the vicinity of All Saints Church, after a period of three months, in discussion directly with the local Reverend and Church representatives and, if necessary, introduce a minor amendment order to further assist with visitors to the church for events.

Report author: Mike Horton

Publication date: 24/01/2025

Date of decision: 23/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Effective from: 01/02/2025

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