Decision details

Lower Wolvercote, Oxford - Proposed Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) 2024/25

Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Decision status: Item Deferred

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The County Council is planning to introduce a CPZ in Lower Wolvercote as part of wider strategy to manage on-street parking in the City, which aims to reduce traffic in Oxford.


The Chair stated that he was the local County Councillor for Wolvercote & Summertown, and that he had taken advice from the Monitoring Officer considering the item affected his own division. Given that the Chair had no prior involvement in the scheme, except receiving a letter informing him of the consultation as the local County Councillor, he was advised by the Monitoring Officer that there is no conflict of interest nor any specific interest to declare in respect of this item.  


The Chair introduced the item to the meeting, invited speakers to make their addresses and responded to their points in turn.


Officers confirmed that a consultation on this scheme in 2022 was for operating hours of Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm, which was deferred. Similar schemes in Oxford were designed on a case-by-case basis.


The Oxford North development was referenced in terms of how it would impact parking and network management.


In terms of loading and unloading vehicles, officers confirmed that this could be undertaken on double yellow lines, but that the vehicle would have to move after the loading or unloading had taken place.  


Noting questions regarding signage, officers stated that this was a case of balancing legal requirements against local need.


Officers discussed concerns around Elmthorpe Road, and the need of balancing visitor parking and space for vehicles to pass through the road.


Following a question from the Chair, officers reflected that the parking beat survey was not about ‘who’ was parking, but about parking stress surveys to test how many cars were parking at the weekends, on weekdays and in the summer months.


The Chair and officers noted the engagement with the canal boat community during the implementation of the Upper Wolvercote CPZ.


The Chair raised the question of businesses that are run from home and the parking implications arising from that. Officers confirmed that users of the business would have to make use of time-limited spaces within the zone, or visitor permits, but noted that these were limited in numbers.


Officers noted that residents who need regular care from health professionals and/or family, were eligible for a Carers Permit.


Officers and the Chair engaged in discussions about the consultation process.


The Chair referred to some of the written statements submitted.


Following discussion around pavement parking, officers stated that the government was currently consulting on this and that the Council was monitoring this issue.


The Chair confirmed that CPZ’s do not raise revenue for the County Council and that there was case law to show this. Officers noted that fees and charges were set annually each year and that the proposals in the proposed budget going to Council was for no increase to occur.


The Chair pointed out that roads are public highway, owned by the highways authority (the County Council) and that there wasn’t an immediate right to be able to park outside a specific property.


Officers confirmed they wanted to undertake parking surveys after the recent introduction of charges in Godstow Road Car Park by Oxford City Council, but that it had not been possible due to delays in the introduction of charges.


The Chair referenced several of the consultation responses, relating to speeding, car clubs, specific parking issues amongst others.


The Chair re-iterated that CPZ’s were the adopted policy of the County Council across Oxfordshire and noted the synergies of policies.


The Chair noted the impact of the introduction of parking charges at Godstow Road Car Park and the development at Oxford North. The Chair noted the leisure use being different at Port Meadow in winter compared to summer.


The Chair deferred the item and asked officers to undertake further beat surveys to evaluate the aforementioned schemes of the Oxford North development and charges at Godstow Road Car Park.


The Chair thanked officers for their work, speakers for their contributions and agreed to defer the recommendations in the report.




Defer the following measures:


a) The Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) Monday to Sunday 8am – 8pm permit holders only and the 3 hour shared use (permit holders or non-permit holders) parking bays in Lower Wolvercote as advertised.


b) The ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restrictions (double yellow lines) as advertised.


c) The time limited 3 hour parking bay (for non-permit holders only) on Godstow Road as advertised.













Report author: Vicki Neville

Publication date: 24/01/2025

Date of decision: 23/01/2025

Decided at meeting: 23/01/2025 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Accompanying Documents: