Decision Maker: Director of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The decision will allow the Council to proceed with the making and sealing of the General Vesting Declaration and to serve Notices to Treat and Notices of Entry that are necessary for the Council to proceed to acquire land compulsorily under the CPO.
Following confirmation of the CPO by the Secretary of State on 30th September 2024, and further to the delegations set out above, delegated decisions are taken as follows:
· to comply with all associated requirements in respect of personal, site and press notices of confirmation and to make, seal and give notice of a General Vesting Declaration; and
· to serve Notices to Treat and Notices of Entry in respect of those properties to be acquired compulsorily
The reasons for the decision are expressed in the report to Cabinet.
It is necessary for the Council to use its powers to compulsorily acquire land required for the A40 Access to Witney scheme interests where efforts to acquire interests by private treaty have been unsuccessful.
Publication date: 02/01/2025
Date of decision: 02/01/2025