Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Infrastructure & Development Strategy
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
Delegate authority to the Director of Environment & Highways in consultation with the Director of Finance and the Head of Legal Services & Deputy Monitoring Officer to award an NEC4 ECC (Option C) in respect of the construction / delivery of the A34 Harwell Layby (part of the wider A34 Lodge Hill Interchange scheme)
The Chair introduced the item to the meeting and invited officers to provide a summary of the report.
Officers confirmed that the project linked to the wider A34 Lodge Hill Interchange scheme. The recommendation was to delegate the award of a contract to Balfour Beatty Group Limited in respect of the construction and delivery of the A34 Harwell Layby, which would deliver some time and cost efficiencies.
Officers confirmed that the scheme was to ensure appropriate layby provision within the vicinity of the works.
Following a question from the Chair, officers noted that the scheme had specific timelines from the Draft Funding Agreement with Homes England, and this was necessary to ensure the deadlines were met.
The Chair was assured by officers that this would fit in with the deadlines for the wider A34 Lodge Hill Interchange scheme.
The Chair thanked officers for their work and agreed to the recommendations in the report.
a) Delegate authority to the Director of Environment & Highways in consultation with the Director of Finance and the Head of Legal Services & Deputy Monitoring Officer to approve the award of a works contract to Balfour Beatty Group Limited in respect of the construction / delivery of the A34 Harwell Layby (part of the wider A34 Lodge Hill Interchange scheme).
Report author: Dan Hammond
Publication date: 13/12/2024
Date of decision: 12/12/2024
Decided at meeting: 12/12/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Infrastructure & Development Strategy
Effective from: 21/12/2024
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