Decision details

A420 Faringdon and Shrivenham Bypasses - Proposed 50mph Speed Limit

Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek approval for the change of speed limits on the A420.


The Chair introduced the item to the meeting, asked speakers to make their address and responded to their points in turn.


The Democratic Services Officer read out two written statements from Vale of the White Horse District Councillor for Faringdon, Lucy Edwards and from Oxfordshire County Council Honorary Aldermen, Judith Heathcoat.


Officers noted that the Great Coxwell Turb was not within the scope of the Vision Zero scheme.


The Director of Environment and Highways made the point that improvements that could not be made as part of this scheme could be picked up as part of wider improvements in the A420 corridor, forming part of LTCP Part 2.


The Chair asked for noise maps referenced in the public address to be added to the record of the meeting.


Officers noted that all A & B rural network roads would be reviewed as part of a Vision Zero review.


The Chair noted there was not an object from the bus companies but asked for the introduction of measures to minimise impact on bus services. Officers stated that the majority of bus routes avoid these particular sections of road.


The Chair and officers noted ongoing discussions with Thames Valley Police about the enforcement of speed limits on the A420 and elsewhere.


The Chair referenced several consultation responses and noted the support of local Councillors.


The Chair noted an objection from another local Councillor, but referenced the accident statistics and pointed out that the scheme was to try and improve safety on these sections of roads.


The Chair thanked officers for their work, thanked speakers for their contributions and agreed to the recommendations in the report.




Approve the following speed limit changes, as advertised:


50mph speed limits:


a) A420 (Shrivenham) – from the existing 50mph speed limit at Bourton, north-eastwards to the existing 50mph speed limit terminal northeast of the Watchfield roundabout,


b) A420 (Faringdon) – from the existing 50mph speed limit at Great/Little Coxwell, north-eastwards to the existing 50mph speed limit terminal at Wadley Lodge/Manor at Littleworth,


c) Faringdon Road (Watchfield) – from its roundabout junction with the A420 Oxford Road, south-westwards for a distance of 25 metres,


d) Fernham Road (Little Coxwell) – from its junction with the A420, southwards to a point 30 metres south of its junction with Bridleway No.278/2/10,


e) Park Road (Faringdon) – from its junction with the A420, north westwards for a distance of 34 metres,


f) London Street (Faringdon) – from its junction with the A420, westwards for a distance of 60 metres; and


g) A417 Stanford Road (Faringdon) – from its junction with the A420, south-eastwards to the current 50mph speed limit, a distance of approx. 105 metres.


40mph speed limit:


h) London Street (Faringdon) – from a point 60 metres west of the A420, to the 20mph speed limit east of its junction with Sudbury Court.






Report author: Anthony Kirkwood

Publication date: 10/10/2024

Date of decision: 10/10/2024

Decided at meeting: 10/10/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Effective from: 18/10/2024

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