Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 29 March 2007

Division(s): Witney West




Report by Head of Transport


1.                  This report details the comments received in response to consultation on the proposed closure of Moor Avenue, Witney and recommends not pursuing  implementation.


2.                  Moor Avenue, along with a section of Moorland Road, connects Welch Way at the south end to Burford Road at the north end. Dark Lane branches off the east side of Moor Avenue and used to form an alternative route up to Burford Road. The road layout is illustrated at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).

3.                  In December 2005 a new road, Woodford Way, was opened. This road also connects Welch Way to Burford Road and runs approximately parallel to Moor Avenue/Moorland Road, about 200m to the east. There are traffic signals at each end of Woodford Way and at an intermediate junction with the Welch Way car park, which will become the Marriotts Close development in the future.

4.                  As Woodford Way provides a more suitable route for through traffic between Welch Way and Burford Road it was considered that road closures in Moor Avenue and Dark Lane may be appropriate to curb “rat-running.”

5.                  The former Transport Implementation Committee (TIC) decided in March 2005 that Dark Lane should be permanently closed at the same time that Woodford Way opened but that closure of Moor Avenue would be subject to further consultation and traffic monitoring after Woodford Way had opened.

Traffic Monitoring

6.                  Automated traffic surveys were carried out over one week in March 2005 and March 2006 at a point mid-way along Moor Avenue. There was also a twelve-hour manual count at the Dark Lane/Burford Road junction in March 2005.

7.                  The principal findings were that:

·      Average weekday (24hr) two-way traffic volumes in Moor Avenue increased from 1234 vehicles per day in 2005 to 1641 in 2006, an increase of 33%.

·      Average weekend (24hr) two-way traffic volumes in Moor Avenue increased from 704 vehicles per day in 2005 to 1119 in 2006, an increase of 59%.

·      Average traffic speed at the monitoring site remained constant at just over 22 mph.

·      1415 vehicles were recorded in 2005 using Dark Lane over a 12-hour period.

8.                  These figures indicate that approximately 23% of the vehicles that previously used Dark Lane have switched to using Moor Avenue as a means of accessing Burford Road.  It is likely that the other 77% of the displaced traffic now uses Woodford Way.


9.                  The proposed closure point on Moor Avenue would be just south of the Dark Lane junction (Annex 1) and enforced by a gated arrangement similar to that used in Dark Lane. This allows access for pedestrians, cyclists and emergency service vehicles, but all other vehicles would be prevented from passing through.

10.             An informal consultation on the Moor Avenue closure proposal was carried out between 3 January and 9 February 2007. Letters were sent to 128 local residences as well as statutory consultees. Responses to the consultation are available in the Members’ Resource Centre and are summarised at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).

11.             There were a total of twenty responses - six in favour, five raising no objections (including Thames Valley Police) and nine opposing (including Witney Town Council).

Officers Comment on Consultation Responses

12.             Those in favour of the closure generally cited the increase in traffic (on Moor Avenue) as the main reason. The implementation of a closure would eliminate all through traffic between Welch Way and Burford Road, so the majority of vehicles would use Woodford Way instead.

13.             Objectors to the proposal raised many points. The main concern was regarding traffic going to and from Tower Hill Primary School. If parents continue to drop children by the school gates then they will be forced to execute a three-point turn in Moor Avenue and return northbound past the school to exit back on to Burford Road. This will lead to congestion at school start and finish times and the turning manoeuvres in a heavily parked area may endanger the schoolchildren.

14.             Other concerns include that a closure would prevent doctors and other medical staff leaving the Health Centre along this route and the resulting delay from going a different way could put lives at risk. The closure would also delay any emergency service vehicles, which would have to stop to open the gate with a key, although the emergency services themselves did not object.

15.             Having considered all the consultation responses and the views expressed in them, officers have concluded that there is no strong backing for a road closure. This is a stringent measure which some local residents feel is not justified and therefore, officers recommend that the closure should not be implemented and the road layout remain as it is.

          How the project supports LTP Objectives

16.             A closure of Moor Avenue would remove all through traffic and potentially make the road safer for most of the day. However, at school start and finish times there is likely to be an increase in local congestion and turning movements which may have a negative impact on road safety.

17.             If Moor Avenue is closed then traffic will have to find an alternative route, which will lead to a slight increase in congestion on surrounding roads. The erection of a barrier and signs will not improve the street environment.

Planning and Financial Implications (including Revenue)

18.             Planning permission for Woodford Way was granted in April 2003.  Condition 10 of that permission proposed traffic management measures for Dark Lane and Moor Avenue.  As a result of the recent public consultation exercise in relation to the closure of Moor Avenue, the Planning Officer is prepared to accept that no further measures (including road closure) are required to Moor Avenue in compliance with Condition 10 of the planning consent.

19.             There are no financial implications associated with this recommendation.  However, funding for the proposal is available from the outstanding budget for the West End Link Phase 1 Scheme (Woodford Way). Staff allocation is contained within current resource levels.


20.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to confirm that the road closure in Moor Avenue, Witney should not be implemented.

(Statement of Decision)

Head of Transport

Background papers:   
Consultation Documentation
Planning permission for Woodford Way – District Council Ref No W2002/0105.

Contact Officer:                     Roger Plater  Tel: 01865 815640

March 2007

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