Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 29 March 2007

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Division(s): Wheatley 




Report by Head of Transport


1.                  This report sets out the results of formal advertisement on a proposal to implement waiting restrictions over two short sections of Church Road, Wheatley.  The first section extends the waiting restrictions on the north side of Church Road close to the Holloway Road junction for an additional 13.1 metres eastward.  The second section is to implement ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ on the south side of Church Road for a distance of 7 metres on each side of the access to the Merry Bells car park, see plans at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).

Reason for Proposal

2.                  Although improvements have been carried out at the junction of Holloway Road and Church Road, Wheatley, comprising the provision of a section of footway on the south east corner, motor vehicles parked on Church Road, to the north east side of the junction with Holloway Road, create a visual obstruction to vehicles at the junction and a physical obstruction to larger vehicles, particularly buses, turning from Hollow Way Road, eastwards along Church Road.

3.                  Motor vehicles parked close to the access to the Merry Bells car park, Church Road, were the subject of complaint from users of the car park, including the Parish Council, as they are seen to seriously affect visibility for drivers of vehicles entering and leaving the car park. 

4.                  The proposal to implement `No Waiting at Any Time` restrictions is to reduce danger and the risk of collisions in the interest of road safety.

Formal Advertisement

5.                  Formal advertisement of proposals to implement ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ amendments in Church Road, Wheatley was carried out between 16 November 2006 and 7 January 2007.

6.                  A letter of support for the proposal was received from Wheatley Parish Council.  All comments received are summarised at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).

7.                  Thames Valley Police offered no objection to the proposal.

8.                  One individual and a joint response signed by 10 residents were received objecting to the proposal on the grounds that there was no benefit to road safety and that they would be inconvenienced if they have to park some distance from their homes.

9.                  One letter was received asking for the proposal to be extended to prevent parked vehicles reducing available light into their home.


10.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to authorise  implementation of the proposed waiting restrictions in Church road, Wheatley as advertised.

(Statement of Decision)

Head of Transport

Background papers:            Consultation documentation

Contact Officer:                     Malcolm Bowler tel: 0845 310 11 11

March 2007

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