Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 29 March 2007

Return to Items for Decision

Division(s): Wheatley




Report by Head of Transport


1.                  This report describes the proposed scheme, sets out the results of  consultation and recommends implementation.


2.                  The proposed Zebra crossing forms part of the Better Ways to School Highway Schemes 2006-07 programme (Programme F).

3.                  Wheatley Primary School submitted its School Travel Plan in December 2005. The main problems identified in Littleworth Road were the large numbers of cars bringing children to the School and the other two schools on the site, the very large number of other vehicles using Littleworth Road, and the inconsiderate behaviour of some drivers. Subsequent discussion between the Transport Service and the School identified a Zebra crossing at the School Crossing Patrol site as a highly desirable measure. It is also the most feasible of the physical highway measures requested by the School because of the high anticipated benefit and relatively low cost.

4.                  The School Travel Plan has a target for the school year 2007-08 for 25 children who currently travel to/from the Primary School by car to walk instead. The proposed Zebra crossing will be a factor in the achievement of this target.

5.                  A survey by a County Council officer on Tuesday 8 June 2004 showed 320 vehicles using Littleworth Road at the proposed crossing site in the 40 minutes from 3pm to 3.40pm, which is the end-of-school travel time. The School Crossing Patrol working at the site has reported incidents of intimidating behaviour by drivers.

Description of the Scheme

6.                  The proposed crossing site is shown at Annex 1 (download as .doc file). It is in Littleworth Road immediately east of the eastern access to the Wheatley Primary School site, which includes the John Watson special school, Wheatley Nursery School, and the Wheatley Youth Centre building which is used by Wheatley Pre-school. A School Crossing Patrol already operates at the proposed crossing site, on an existing speed hump, which is one of a series that keeps the speed of 85% of vehicles using Littleworth Road below 25mph. This hump would be reconstructed to the optimum shape for a Zebra crossing.

7.                  Along the south side of Littleworth Road there is a long layby and a row of houses with off-street parking. However the layby is often full to capacity. At the Zebra crossing (outside No 15 Littleworth Road) there would be a build-out of the footway. A further build-out to the east would prevent parking there and maintain visibility between drivers and pedestrians approaching the crossing.  The gap between the two build-outs would enable vehicular access to No 15 to be maintained.

8.                  The belisha beacons for the Zebra crossing would be mounted on relocated lighting columns in order to improve the streetscape and the quality of lighting at the crossing.

Public Consultation

9.                  Initial consultation was carried out with the seven nearest properties and the Police in August 2006. Wider consultation was carried out with 45 nearby properties, the emergency services, and representative organisations between 10 November 2006 and 15 January 2007. A public notice was displayed on site between 24 January and 14 February.

10.             Three objections to the scheme were received from members of the public. Responses in favour were received from the Police, Wheatley Parish Council, The Wheatley Society, the Cyclists’ Touring Club, the nearby Oxfordshire Registration Office and also verbally from the Oxfordshire Association for the Blind. Copies of letters and emails received in response to the consultation are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.

11.             The points raised by the objectors are summarised, with officer comment alongside in Annex 2 (download as .doc file).. All three objectors were concerned about the loss of car-parking spaces - two spaces in the layby at the build-outs, and two spaces on the opposite side of the carriageway at the Zebra crossing and the zigzag markings. Blenheim Lane is a cul de sac where demand for on-street parking exceeds the supply, so some residents and their visitors park in Littleworth Road.  The other two concerns were about the need for the Zebra crossing and the adverse effects of the flashing beacons at night.

12.             The inconvenience caused by the loss of four car-parking spaces is considered to be outweighed by the advantages of the Zebra crossing. The crossing will primarily benefit children and their escorts going to/from the schools and most of the other pedestrians who use Littleworth Road. It should also improve driver behaviour towards the School Crossing Patrol.

How the Scheme Supports LTP Objectives and Other Objectives

13.             The proposed scheme will encourage the use of sustainable transport, particularly walking and will reduce the risk of accidents. It will contribute to two Local Transport Plan targets: Core Target 12 to reduce the percentage of single child trips to school undertaken by car and the specific target to reduce the number of journeys made to school by car by 3000 between 2005/06 and March 2009. It will also contribute to Children & Young Peoples’ Plan Target 104/03 to increase the number of young people who walk to school Countywide by 1100 by March 2009.

Financial and Staff Implications

14.             The estimated cost of the Zebra crossing and associated works is £40,500 (£12,500 for fees, and £28,000 for construction).  Sufficient funding has been allocated in the Transport Capital Expenditure Budget – Better Ways to School programme.  Supervision and construction will be carried out by Oxfordshire Highways.


15.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to authorise the implementation of the proposed Zebra crossing and associated works as described in this report subject to authorising the Head of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to resolve any concerns or comments resulting from the Detailed Design or the Road Safety Audit process should any arise.

(Statement of Decision)

Head of Transport

Background papers:            

Wheatley Primary School: School Travel Plan
Copies of letters and e-mails received in response to the public consultation.
Drawing No D&I/2/124A

Contact Officer:                     David Deriaz, Tel: 01865 815666

February 2007

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