Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 27 November 2008


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Summertown & Wolvercote, West Central Oxford









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  The purpose of this report is to consider comments and objections received to a formal advertisement and statutory consultation on varying the Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) for the Walton Manor Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in Oxford to amend both the parking arrangements on Aristotle Lane and the days and hours when access into Aristotle Lane is restricted.  These proposals arise out of the planning permission granted for the temporary expansion of the school on Navigation Way.




2.                  The SS Philip & James C E Primary School site on Navigation Way was initially granted planning consent in July 2001 and the first pupils relocated from a site on Leckford Road in early 2003. Due to the limited access to the site across a narrow canal bridge, both the initial and subsequent consents (to increase the capacity of the school) have required the installation of a range of traffic management measures. These include some parking prohibitions on Aristotle Lane and Navigation Way and restrictions on access into Aristotle Lane (through the use of rising bollards) in the morning and afternoon to ensure only staff, delivery vehicles and residents of the houses west of the canal have access to the area during school drop-off and pick-up times.


3.                  Earlier this year a new planning application was granted to allow an increase in the maximum occupancy of the school, on condition that a number of further highway improvements were made in the area around the premises; three of these required changes to the Traffic Regulation Order and have therefore been the subject of separate public consultation. These changes are:-


(a)               A reduction in the length of the parking bay on the south side of Aristotle Lane.

(b)               The introduction of a 2 hour time limit on the parking bay.

(c)               Extension of the period when access into Aristotle Lane is restricted to include the period 3.45 – 5.30pm during normal school days.


4.                  It was decided that at the same time no waiting at any time restrictions should be introduced on the remainder of the northern side of Aristotle Lane to ensure the route was kept clear for traffic. Also as it is not possible to sign a restriction to apply only on ‘normal school days’ the access restriction was proposed as ‘Monday to Friday’, which is a relaxation from the current daily restriction.


Public Consultation


5.                  Consultation on the above proposals was carried out between 12 May and 6 June 2008. Letters were sent to all properties in the streets in the vicinity of the school as well as properties near the location of the access restriction. In addition, notices explaining the proposals were placed on site and in the local newspaper, and information sent to local Councillors, the emergency services and to the local allotment association.


6.                  In total, 7 letters or e-mails were received in response to the advertised proposals.  These are summarised together with the observations of the Head of Transport at Annex 1 (download as .doc file). Copies of all these communications are on deposit in the Members’ Resource Centre.


7.                  It can be seen that only 3 residents have objected to the proposed changes and for a variety of reasons. There are concerns that the reduction in available parking on Aristotle Lane will push long-stay parkers into the residential area and increase traffic across the canal bridge. It is recognised that this is a potential problem but the numbers involved are expected to be small. If commuter parking does become a significant problem then consideration could be given to extending the resident parking zone into this area.


8.                  The concerns about the times of the access restrictions being too short or too long are noted. However the primary purpose of the restriction is to minimise traffic at the main times when children are travelling to/from the school.




9.                  The proposals to change the parking on, and the access restrictions along, Aristotle Lane will complement the expansion of the SS Phillip & James School.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


10.             The proposals described in this report comply with the LTP2 objectives of Tackling Congestion (encouraging development that minimises congestion) and improving the Street Environment (better management of parking). They also complement the Travel Plans Strategy.


Financial Implications (including Revenue)


11.             Funding for the costs of implementing the proposals described in this report is available from the budget for the expansion of the school.




12.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to agree implementation of the proposed changes to parking and access on Aristotle Lane as described in this report.





Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Planning consent for SS Philip & James School

Copies of all the letters are available in the Members’ Resource room.


Contact Officer:                     David Tole Tel 01865 815942


November 2008


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