Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 27 November 2008



Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Isis and East Oxford









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  Oxfordshire County Council has designated a number of Premium Bus Routes, along which the Public Transport Development Team is implementing various schemes to improve both the infrastructure and the immediate area around the bus stops. These measures will tackle congestion and improve bus manoeuvrability and reliability along the route. Iffley Road has been identified as one of the routes which would benefit from improvements.


2.                  In order to carry out the work revisions are required to the existing waiting restrictions and therefore a consultation process on the draft Traffic Regulation Order for Iffley Road parking restrictions was carried out at the end of August 2008. This report details the proposed changes brought about by the Order, the objections received with corresponding officer comments and  seeks a decision on how to proceed.


Need for new Traffic Regulation Orders


3.                  The majority of properties along the west side of Iffley Road have vehicle access and off street parking. Lengths of parking are available on the eastern side of the road where properties do not have their own parking facilities. Currently, vehicles are parked along the western side of Iffley Road with a large number half on and half off the footway. This is narrowing the road and contributing to delays on the route for all vehicles as well as forcing cyclists out into vehicular traffic and restricting pedestrian access to cross the road.


4.                  |n order to improve reliability of bus services along the route and therefore improve the attractiveness of the bus, the free flow of traffic needs to be ensured by the removal of the obstructive parking on the western side of the road.

5.                  ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions are therefore proposed to protect the route from stationary vehicles which cause obstruction to the free flow of traffic.  A plan of the proposed Traffic Regulation Order (drawing number D&I/A3/0168) is attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).



6.                  Formal consultation was carried out between 28 August and 26 September 2008 by public notice in the local press, street notices and letters to statutory consultees, interested groups and residents/proprietor’s of the affected length of Iffley Road.  Full details of the Traffic Regulation Orders, Statement of Reasons and Public Notice of the proposals were available to view at County Hall, Oxford for the duration of the consultation period.


7.                  8 responses have been received three in support and five objecting. Support was received from Oxford City Council’s East Area Parliament, Thames Valley Police and the Cycle Touring Club.


8.                  Objections were received from Oxonian Cycle Club, Fairacres Road Residents’ Association and 3 Iffley Road residents. The main theme of the objections related to the reduction in available space to leave vehicles on Iffley Road in advance of the proposal to introduce a controlled parking zone in the area. Objections were based on concerns that this would result in added pressure on the remaining space for residents and customers of businesses and shops to park. Oxonian Cycle Club saw little if any benefit to the scheme and would prefer a more extensive approach that considered improvements to the whole environment in line with guidance on residential street layouts.  Relocation of one of the bus stops was also requested and issues with traffic flow at the main junctions identified


9.                  A summary of the responses along with officer comment is set out at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).  Copies of all correspondence are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.       

Officer Comments


10.             The removal of parked cars reduces conflict points and delays on the route for buses and provides more space for cyclists. Free flow of buses between stops should not result in excessive speed. Parked cars prevent both access to the road and visibility for pedestrians, as illustrated in the photograph at Annex 3 (download as .doc file).


11.             The majority of properties on the western side have off street parking provision and should not require to park vehicles on street. Vehicles that currently park where the double yellow lines are proposed are generally parked half on and half off the footway. Parking provision on the eastern side will not be reduced where residents generally park on street.


12.             A controlled parking zone (CPZ) is currently at an early stage of consultation and a detailed design is yet to be approved for implementation. The proposed improvements to the public transport route are required whether or not the CPZ goes ahead.  If linked to the implementation of the CPZ there is a possibility that the improvement may not be implemented if the CPZ is no proceeded with. However, some additional pressure on the available parking space in the area is likely to result if parking is reduced on Iffley Road.

How the project supports LTP2 objectives


13.             The second Local Transport Plan includes the Premium Bus Routes in the County Council’s programme of works, as set out in the Oxfordshire Local Transport Plan 2006-2011. Iffley Road Premium Bus Route forms part of this work.


Financial Implications (including Revenue)


14.             The cost estimate for the Iffley Road Premium Bus Route Improvements is within the £167,000 budget. The physical measures of the scheme are on programme to be implemented at the end of the 2008/09 financial year. The costs associated with the Traffic Regulation Order have been included in this budget.




15.             The possible impact on residents with the introduction of the proposed double yellow lines along Iffley Road should be weighed in relation to the improvement to bus services serving Oxford.  





16.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve the making of the Oxford, Iffley Road Premium Bus Route Improvements Traffic Regulation Order, as discussed in the report and shown on drawing number D&I/A3/0168.






Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation Documentation


Contact Officer:                     Mark Bostock, Tel 01865 815877


October 2008


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