Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 27 November 2008



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Division(s): West Central Oxford






Oxford: New Inn Hall Street/shoe lane Public realm


Report by Head of Transport




1.                  A scheme to carry out environmental enhancements to New Inn Hall Street and Shoe Lane is being promoted by Oxfordshire County Council. This scheme will add to the wider regeneration projects of Oxford’s West End such as Bonn Square and the future redevelopment of the Westgate Shopping Centre. The programmed start date is mid-February 2009.


2.                  The Oxford West End Partnership (Oxford City Council, Oxfordshire County Council and the South East England Development Agency) has secured funding to enable these changes to take place.


3.                  This report seeks authority to proceed with an environmental scheme that will provide a level shared space throughout to New Inn Hall Street and Shoe Lane, using high quality surface finishes. Construction will be subject to funding being made available from the Oxford West End Partnership.


New Inn Hall Street/Shoe Lane Proposals


4.                  The scheme will provide a shared space approach to New Inn Hall Street and Shoe Lane. The corridor will be defined into footway and carriageway areas without a raised kerb.


5.                  The edge of the footways will be defined by flush granite edgings. A drainage channel formed from granite setts laid to a dish profile will carry rain water run-off. Positive drainage will be provided with regular gullies connected in to the existing piped drainage system.


6.                  Surface finishes will be York stone and black granite to match those used in other areas of Oxford such as George Street. Carriageway will be either a buff colour as used in Cornmarket or black Hot Rolled Asphalt with a coloured stone chipping as used in Queen Street. The final finishes will be confirmed with the Oxford West End Partnership.


7.                  De-cluttering of non essential signs and street furniture will be incorporated in the design of the scheme.


8.                  There are no specific changes to the current traffic regulation orders for access or waiting restrictions being promoted at this time. Disabled parking will be maintained as it presently is.




9.                  Formal notification of the proposal was carried out by letter on 29 August 2008 to local councillors, emergency services, stakeholder groups and all frontages on New Inn Hall Street, Shoe Lane and St Michael’s Street. Comments were invited by 26 September 2008.


10.             No formal objections were received from the limited number of responses. A summary of comments is set out at Annex 1 (download as .doc file) to this report. A copy of all responses received are available in the Member’s Resource Centre.


How it meets the LTP2 objectives


11.             The upgrade of the surface finishes and the promotion of a shared surface will meet the LTP2 objective to improve the street environment and improve facilities for pedestrians.


Risks to implementing the Scheme


12.             The current cost estimate for the scheme exceeds the budget originally identified for the project. The Oxford West End Partnership will need to confirm that the appropriate funding is available for the scheme to proceed.


13.             At this stage of design no guarantee can be given that existing underground services within the New Inn Hall Street corridor will not be affected. If any statutory undertaker considers the impact of the works requires a diversion then the programmed start date of February could be in jeopardy. Lead-in times for gas diversion works are currently running at 16 weeks.


14.             The high quality materials identified for use also require a lead-in time from order of some 12 weeks. Pre-ordering can only be undertaken once certainty of funding has been achieved.


Financial and Staff Implications


15.             At the outset of this project the Oxford West End Partnership identified a budget of £500K to finance the New Inn Hall scheme. The cost estimate for the provision of the level shared space on New Inn Hall Street and Shoe Lane is £800K.  This cost includes a contingency of 15% on the construction costs and £50,000 identified for statutory undertakers diversions. Funding to this level will need to be secured from the Oxford West End Partnership.


16.             Design and construction will be carried out by Oxfordshire Highways. There are no staff implications associated with this report.




17.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve:


(a)               the principle of the design for New Inn Hall Street and Shoe Lane to become a level shared space; and


(b)              that the scheme be progressed to detailed design and implementation subject to finance being secured from the relevant bodies.





Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation Documentation


Contact Officer:                     Mike Collins Tel: 01865 815877

Martin Kraftl Tel: 01865 815786


October 2008


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