Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 27 November 2008


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Division(s): Isis & West Central Oxford











Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report considers comments received in response to consultation and the formal advertising of minor changes to loading and parking in Oxford High Street (between its junctions with Turl Street and Longwall Street). Annex 1 (download as .doc file) indicates the existing and proposed measures.




2.                  During 2006 and 2007 the carriageway of the High Street in Oxford between Carfax and Turl Street, and between Longwall Street and the Plain was repaired to a very high standard.  The footways on those stretches were also improved using high quality materials and a full de-clutter was carried out to significantly improve the street environment.


3.                  The carriageway of the remaining section of High Street between Turl Street and Longwall Street is still in need of repair and is programmed for construction starting in June 2009 and finishing in February 2010. 


Scheme Detail


4.                  The carriageway of the central section of the High Street is in urgent need of repair. We will therefore be carrying out the necessary work on the reconstruction of the carriageway including putting in a new quiet asphalt surface.  We will also be de-cluttering this stretch as on the previously completed works on High Street.


5.                  In addition, we will be making some minor improvements to how the road works for all users including alterations to crossing facilities, the bus gate outside University College and the entrance to the central section at Longwall Street.  Annex 2 (download as .doc file) sets out a detailed description of the changes being proposed.


6.                  Restrictions on capital funding allocations from Government have prevented the inclusion of replacement high quality footways as part of this scheme. Instead, the funding available will be targeted on the areas where improvements are needed most namely the carriageway using matching or enhanced material.


7.                  Further improvements to how the street works will be brought forward as part of Stage 2 of the Council’s recently announced Transform Oxford proposals.  The proposals which are the subject of this report are not incompatible with the Transform Oxford plans.  In any case, improvements to High Street (and St Aldate’s) as part of Transform Oxford are at least three years away and the carriageway is currently in urgent need of repair.




8.                  Informal consultation with key stakeholders was carried out over an 18 month period preceding formal consultation.


9.                  Formal consultation with stakeholders, statutory consultees and frontagers was carried out between 10 October and 31 October 2008. The proposals were advertised in the Oxford Times on 10 October, notices posted on site and letters distributed by hand to residents / businesses fronting High Street (between Turl Street and Longwall Street).


10.             A total of 8 letters/emails with objections/comments were received before the end of the consultation period. Copies of these and a full list of consultees are available in the Members’ Resource Centre. A summary of objections/comments including an officer response is set out at Annex 3 (download as .doc file).




11.             As a result of the response to the consultation it is proposed to make the orders as advertised but with the minor changes set out in the officer response section of Annex 3.


Financial and Staff Implications


12.             The costs associated with the implementation of the amendments to the Traffic Regulation Orders will be met from the 2009/10 transport capital budget for Integrated Transport Improvements.


13.             There are no significant revenue staffing implications as this work will be managed as a part of the overall highway maintenance / improvement  scheme.  


How the Scheme Meets the LTP2 Objectives


14.             The wider scheme proposals for this section of High Street (of which the TRO amendments are a part) are in line with the street environment objective of the County Council’s Local Transport Plan. The alterations will also enable other improvements to the street which will improve conditions for cyclists and pedestrians as well as helping to reinforce the existing traffic management function of the bus gate. In this way the proposals also help to deliver other objectives of the LTP namely tackling congestion, improving air quality and improving road safety.




15.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               approve the making of the Amendment Orders listed below as advertised but with the minor changes set out in the officer’s response section of Annex 3 to this report:


(i)                 Oxfordshire County Council (Oxford Central Area) (Controlled Parking Zone) (Consolidation) (Variation [No.10]) Order 200*


(ii)               The Oxfordshire County Council (Oxford Central Area) (Designation and Regulation of Street Parking Places) (Variation [No.4]) Order 200*


(iii)             The Oxfordshire County Council (Disabled Persons Parking Places – Oxford) (Amendment [No.6]) Order 200*


(b)              authorise the works necessary to implement the proposals as part of the carriageway maintenance scheme scheduled to commence in June 2009.




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation Documentation


Contact Officers:                   Craig Rossington      Tel: 01865-815575

Andrew Johnson       Tel: 01865-815737


November 2008


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