Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 27 November 2008



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Division(s): All








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report considers the proposed provision of new Disabled Persons’ Parking Places (DPPPs), the formalisation of existing “advisory” DPPPs, and the removal of DPPPs that are no longer needed, in Oxford City following the publication of the draft Oxfordshire County Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places - Oxford) (Amendment [No.4/5**]) Order 20**.  




2.                  The increasing demand for parking in Oxfordshire can lead to particular difficulties for disabled people who need to park close to their homes or place of work. The County Council may provide a DPPP on a public road where there is a need.


3.                  On 7 December 2004 the Executive agreed to rationalise policy with regard to disabled parking which included proposals to adopt a uniform approach to be implemented throughout the County.  Previously, in Oxfordshire (as opposed to Oxford City) disabled parking was provided by the use of advisory bays.  These bays are marked up on the ground but no disabled sign plate is provided and, as they do not appear in a Traffic Regulation Order, they are not enforceable.  A review of these DPPPs is being carried out across Oxfordshire to ensure they are still required and those that are will be formalised. It will then be possible to enforce them.  At the same time, new requests for DPPPs are considered.




4.                  A fact sheet listing the criteria required to qualify for a DPPP is available in the Members’ Resource Centre. A primary condition for qualification is that the applicant has to be a Blue Badge holder.  Applicants have to complete a detailed application form and provide a copy of their driving licence and vehicle registration documents to prove that both the driver and the vehicle owner are resident at the address where the DPPP is requested.


5.                  The site is then assessed by a Highways Inspector to see if a DPPP is feasible. If it is, informal consultation is carried out with various authorities, such as the Emergency Services. If no comments are made, formal consultation is commenced. This report considers comments in respect of the DPPPs referred to in paragraph 1 received at the formal stage.   


Formal Consultation


6.                  The Directorate sent a copy of the draft Amendment Order, a Statement of Reasons for the Order and a copy of the Public Notice appearing in the local press to formal Consultees on 10 September, 2008. These documents, together with supporting documentation as required, and plans of all the DPPPs were deposited for public inspection at County Hall, and Blackbird Leys, Littlemore, Cowley, Headington, Old Marston, and Summertown Libraries. They are also available for inspection in the Members’ Resource Centre.


7.                  Separately, the Directorate wrote to local residents in each area where the proposed new and formalised DPPPs would be sited asking for their comments. The Directorate also wrote to local residents in areas where it is proposed to remove existing DPPPs that are no longer required. In addition public notices were displayed at each site and in the Oxford Times. A table showing all the bay proposals is shown at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).


8.                  Comments were received in respect of the proposed DPPPs in Brampton Road, Barton; Magdalen Road, East Oxford; St Mary’s Road, East Oxford; and Stratfield Road, Summertown. Comments were also received in respect of the proposed realignment of a DPPP in Cranham Street , Jericho.   


9.                  Comments were received in respect of the proposed DPPP removals in Cardigan Street and Great Clarendon Street, Jericho; Harpes Road, Cutteslowe; and Osberton Road, Summertown.    


10.             A synopsis of each comment with an officer response is set out at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).  Copies of the responses can be viewed in the Members’ Resource Centre.


11.             The only statutory Consultee to comment was Thames Valley Police Traffic Management Unit who advised that they had no objections to the draft order.


Recommended Changes to the Proposals


12.             The following are locations where it was proposed to provide new DPPPs but as a result of consultation it is recommended they should not now proceed, or the location should change:-


(a)               Proposed new DPPP in Brampton Road, Barton the original proposed DPPP was to be sited outside the applicant’s home based on site surveys carried out during the weekdays. A number of residents have advised that parking is heaviest in the evenings and weekends and occurs on the opposite side of the road in this part of the road. This has been borne out by a subsequent weekend site visit. The resident opposite the applicant has asked OCC to locate the proposed DPPP outside her frontage so it does not block access to her hard-standing. A new plan has been prepared (Annex 3) and it is recommended that the proposed DPPP be located there.


(b)               Proposed realignment of a DPPP in Cranham Street, Jericho – The existing users originally asked for a shift of the bay as it is fairly near a junction and on a bus route. After consultation with other residents in the road, and further discussion with the applicant, the disabled user believes that the disadvantages of the current location outweigh the advantages of the new. It is therefore recommended that the proposal to move the DPPP does not proceed.


(c)               Proposed new DPPP in Northfield Close, Littlemore – the applicant has very recently advised us that the family are moving to Blackbird Leys. It is therefore recommended that the proposal does not go ahead. 


(d)               Proposed new DPPP in Trinity Road, Headington Quarry - since the publication of the proposal, local residents have suggested that the applicant no longer drives and is thinking of selling his vehicle. After        further discussions with the applicant’s family, who have confirmed that this is the situation, it is recommended that the proposal does not proceed.


13.             The following are locations where it was proposed to remove existing DPPPs, but as a result of consultation it is recommended that they should now remain:-


(a)               Proposed removal of DPPP in Cardigan Street, Jericho – the resident whose frontage is covered by the bay, holds a current Blue Badge, and confirms that the DPPP was provided for her husband who has since died. Although she does not drive, her daughter comes to take her out most days. The daughter is also disabled and is a current Blue Badge holder, and removal of the bay would cause them both difficulties. As there have been no comments from local residents for or against the proposal, it is recommended that the proposal does not proceed and the bay remains.


(b)               Proposed removal of DPPP in Harpes Road, Cutteslowe – the DPPP has been shifted from outside No 66 to outside No 68 by persons unknown. The resident at No 68 has a current Blue Badge and drives her own car. As she is eligible for the bay, it is recommended that this bay should remain and be formalised at its revised location.


All the other proposals are recommended to go ahead as advertised.


How the Project supports LTP2 Objectives


14.             The introduction of new DPPPs and the formalisation of two advisory DPPPs will help in Delivering Accessibility by enabling disabled people to park near to their homes and thus access a wider range of services.


15.             Removal of DPPPs that are no longer required will Improve the Street Environment by reducing sign clutter and result in better management of parking.


Financial and Staff Implications (including Revenue)


16.             The cost of installing the DPPPs is approximately £12,000 and will be met from the existing revenue budget provided for these.




17.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to authorise variations to the Oxfordshire County Council (Disabled Persons’ Parking Place - Oxford) (Amendment No 4/5) Order 20** as amended in this report to provide for:


(a)               twenty-two new DPPPs as set out at Annex 1 to the report;


(b)              the formalisation of two existing advisory DPPPs as specified in Annex 1 to the report;


(c)               the removal of twelve DPPPs as detailed in Annex 1 to the report; and


(d)              the formalisation of the DPPP moved from outside 66 Harpes Road to outside 68 Harpes Road. 





Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation documentation


Contact Officer:                     Mike Ruse, Tel 01865 815978


November 2008


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