Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 27 March 2008


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport

27 March 2008


Statement of Decision


Bus Services Subsidies



Cabinet Member for Transport : Councillor Ian Hudspeth


Graham Warrington (Corporate Core)

Steve Howell, Dick Helling, Allan Field and John Wood (Environment & Economy)


Also in attendance: 

Other Members:

Councillor Patrick Greene (local member)

Public Address:

 Mr Frank Dumbleton (Chilton Parish Council)


Documentation considered:


Bus Services Subsidies

Exempt Annex 2

Comments Received from Members

A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.


RESOLVED: that the public be excluded for the duration of item 11E since it was likely that if they were present during that item there would be disclosure of exempt information as defined in Part I of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) and specified below in relation to that item and since it is considered that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information on the grounds set out in that item.



Summary of representations in person


Prior to moving into exempt session Mr Dumbleton emphasised Chilton Village’s desire to retain a useful bus service.  It had no local shop and it was particularly important to people with no access to a car to be able to reach the shopping centre and other amenities in Didcot.  He added that many people from the village walked to catch buses from the Harwell campus but that that was not an option for some.  However, it meant that bus usage from the village was greater than the figures for route 96 would suggest.  The village had been pleased to hear that further discussions were being held with funding partners in the area to enhance local services and he hoped that these discussions would be successful.


Councillor Greene spoke to his comments circulated with Exempt Annex 2.  He recognised the difficulties in organising services in rural areas but if it was the desire to encourage use of public transport then it was vital to make them more convenient and attractive and this should be pursued as part of future reviews.


Mr Field advised that there was an obligation to serve communities and that tenders were sought for the current option but efforts were made to encourage operators to think more widely in order to encourage development and commercial growth.




Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, the representations made to me and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decisions on this matter as follows:


(a)               in view of planned restrictions on the bus subsidy budget in forthcoming years, to aim for a subsidy cost increase, on the contracts under review at this meeting, not exceeding the current cost;


(b)               to approve subsidy as set out in the attached schedule for those services described in the report CMDT11E on the basis of the tender prices (and the periods of time) as set out in Exempt Annex 2;


(c)               note the commercial elements declared in respect of contracts S30, S35, S65, S75, S76, and V39;


(d)               make decisions on the future support for service 500 in the light of the oral report and recommendations to the meeting;


(e)               authorise Officers, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, to make the necessary arrangements to ensure continuation of contract PT/O1 in the light of the award of the new Brookes Bus contract;


(f)                 record that in the opinion of the Cabinet Member for Transport Implementation the decisions made in (b) above are urgent in that any delay likely to be caused by the call in process would result in service discontinuity and in accordance with the requirements of Scrutiny Procedure Rule 17(b) those decisions should not be subject to the call in process.





Signed ......................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Transport


Date ………………………………….

Schedule to Item 11E






Award PT/S 30 in combination with Contracts S35 and S76 to Whites Coaches


Award PT/S 31 (de minimis) to Arriva the Shires


Award PT/S 35 in combination with contracts S30 and S76 to Whites Coaches


Award PT/S 36A1 to Reading Transport


Award PT/S 48 under “Kickstart”  5 year agreement to enable further viability to be achieved to Thames Travel for Service X40.  Not to award S93 which is incorporated in the decision for PT/S48.


Award PT/S60B2 Wallingford – Goring to Heyfordian Travel


Award PT/S61B Wallingford to Watlington Non Compliant to Thames Travel


Award PT/S 64A Non Compliant Option N (Wallingford – Benson) to Thames Travel


Award PT/S 62A1 to Whites Coaches


Award PT/S 65A combined bid with S66A Non-Compliant Bid J to Thames Travel.  Officers to further discuss the level of service and the routeing between Wallingford and Didcot with Thames Travel.  Officers also to pursue an option of serving the Moretons if possible.


Award new contract PT/S63 to Thames Travel


Award PT/S 69C to Thames Travel


Award PT/S 72A to Heyfordian Coaches.  Officers to obtain a price for continued operation of a Monday to Friday journey at 0730 from Wallingford to Abingdon via Dorchester and report this back to the Cabinet Member for Transport.


Award PT/S 80 to Thames Travel until 29 November 2011 only


Award PT/S 84B3 + B2  to Thames Travel


Award PT/S 85B1 to Thames Travel


Not to award S88 covered by new contract S72A


Not to re-award PT/S75 (declared commercial)


Award PT/S76 in combination with contracts S30 and S35 de minimis


Award PT/S 78C non-compliant to Whites Coaches

PT/V31 (Service 96) to request officers to continue discussions with all parties involved regarding enhancement of this service and to consult with the Cabinet Member for Transport should there be any reason to call on expenditure from the Bus subsidy Budget to support the provision of a service to/from Chilton Village


Award PT/V 32A  (until 10 December 2011) to Heyfordian Coaches


Award PT/V 40A1 (until 10 December 2011) to Thames Travel


Award PT/V41A – Non compliant (until 10 December 2011) to Oxford Bus Company


Award PT/O 18 (Service 500 Oxford, Magdalen Street – Water Eaton Park & Ride Enhancement for a period of one year from 1 June 2008 to 30 May 2009 to the Oxford Bus Company


To authorise the Head of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to make the necessary arrangements to ensure continuation of Contract PT/01 (Service U10) in the light of the award of the new Brookes Bus Contract


Award PT/S 33 to Reading Transport



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