Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 27 March 2008


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Division(s): Witney West/Witney East








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  The County Council has long since proposed to build a new road known as the Cogges Link Road in Witney connecting Witan Way (south of Witney town centre) to the B4022 at Oxford Hill at the junction with Jubilee Way (on the eastern outskirts of the town).  The road would run around the south and east of Cogges.  Planning permission was granted for the Cogges Link Road in 1997 but the scheme was not started within the required period due to funding issues.  A further planning application was submitted in 2004 but this was withdrawn pending the outcome of an Inquiry into the West Oxfordshire Local Plan, where the scheme was specifically noted as a part of the planned highway network. 

2.                  This report seeks approval to make a new planning application for the Cogges Link Road

Background Information

3.                  The Inspector’s Report into the Local Plan recommended that the route of the Cogges Link Road should continue to be safeguarded on the Local Plan map but that the link road should not be pursued until the alternative option of slip roads at Shores Green had been fully evaluated as concerns were raised about the methodology that had been used.  There was also criticism over the way the country park was proposed to be dealt with.  These issues have now been resolved and a new planning application is being submitted.

4.                  The new road would improve the environment in the town centre by reducing the amount of traffic. It is recognised that in achieving this, the new road would have environmental effects on the area around it. A new Environmental Statement has been produced which identifies what the impacts would be and shows how negative results would be kept to a minimum by appropriate mitigation measures. A copy is available in the Members’ Resource Centre.

5.                  Pressure on the town’s road network continues to increase.  The lack of river crossings within Witney is a major cause of town centre traffic congestion, particularly on Bridge Street, which is used by around 30,000 vehicles per day.  Provision of an additional river crossing would enable traffic management measures to be implemented in Bridge Street and would reduce traffic movements through this sensitive corridor, which is part of the Air Quality Management Area and within the Conservation Area.


6.                  The area that would be affected by the new road is mostly open land to the south and east of Cogges.  This area is divided into the historical floodplain of the River Windrush to the southwest of Cogges, and the higher ground of Cogges Hill east of Cogges (a map will be displayed at the meeting). 


7.                  The land is mainly agricultural with some public open space made up of the country park between the two branches of the Windrush and a smaller area immediately to the east of the Stanton Harcourt Road between Cogges and the A40.  The area supports a variety of animal, bird, reptile and aquatic life.  


The Cogges Link Road Proposal


8.                  The 1.1 mile (1.8km) long road is proposed to be a single lane two–way road with a 40mph speed limit.  There would be a 3 metre wide footway and cycleway on the north side between Witan Way and the Stanton Harcourt Road, linking the Town to Cogges Estate.  From Witan Way south eastward the road would cross the floodplain on an embankment with two bridges over the two branches of the Windrush.  The west branch of the river would be re-shaped and minor water channels would be culverted.  After passing beneath a new bridge carrying the Stanton Harcourt Road the road would climb steadily northwards, partly in cutting, to end at the existing traffic signal controlled junction with Oxford Hill and Jubilee Way.  Access to Cogges would be provided by a signal controlled T-junction connecting to Cogges Hill Road. A number of footpaths would be diverted to the east of the Cogges Estate.


9.                  To reduce noise and visual impacts, an earth bank would be provided between the road and properties on the eastern margins of Cogges Estate.  Elsewhere extensive planting along the length of the road would reduce visual impacts. Tunnels, bridges and shelves would be built to enable wildlife to find a way through the new embankment with fences guiding wildlife to these locations.


10.             A replacement area for the lost public open space would be provided to the north-east between Cogges Estate and the new road.  No additional flood storage area will now be required as the area beneath the embankment is no longer in the design floodplain. Drainage running off the new road and existing surface water flows crossed by the route would be carried by new ditches and piped drains. Water storage lagoons, with oil interceptors, and other measures would limit the flow of water into existing drainage systems to the rate at which it flows off the land at the moment, minimising the risk of  flooding. The Computer Flood Model calculations are now with the Environment Agency for their approval.


11.             An area of land to the east of the Windrush would become part of the country park, with a new car park accessed from the Cogges Link Road.  Other enhancements to the country park include planting of new trees and shrubs and creation of wetland areas and reedbeds.  


12.             Overall the current proposal is similar to the scheme permitted in 1997 except that:


(a)               It is proposed not to construct the roundabout originally planned between Cogges Link Road and Stanton Harcourt Road.  This is because there is concern that even if Cogges Hill Road was traffic calmed some traffic would still use it to travel between Oxford Hill and the western section of Cogges Estate.


(b)               The water storage lagoon has been relocated to the south of the Cogges Link Road.


(c)               Street lighting has been restricted to the junctions at each end of the link road due to concerns about light pollution.


13.             Since 2004 the scheme has been further developed to reduce the environmental impacts, although the route and overall nature of the scheme is unchanged.  One key improvement is the transfer of land to the country park and associated enhancements as described above.


14.             Detailed work has also taken place on an alternative scheme – the improvement of the junction of the A40 at Shores Green (allowing traffic from Witney to travel towards the west). 


Environmental and Community Benefits


15.             Cogges Link Road would provide a route for local traffic between the north and east sides of the town and the town centre, giving a direct route to the car parks and supermarkets. It would also provide a link between the north and east sides of the town and the A40 west of Witney, which would avoid going through the town centre.


16.             The reduction in traffic along existing routes and in the town centre would lead to a reduction in noise and improved air quality for those living and working in much of the town centre, Newlands, Woodgreen Hill and Woodstock Road.  The footways and cycleways would also provide new links between the Cogges Estate and the south of the town.


Consideration of Alternative Schemes


17.             Several possible alternatives to the Cogges Link Road have previously been considered, including:


(a)               Shores Green Interchange - adding west facing slip roads to the A40

(b)               Council for the Protection of Rural England route – a link from near Shores Green Interchange, running next to the A40 to the Sainsbury’s Roundabout on Witan Way

(c)               Newland Link – a route between Newland and Witan Way

(d)               West End Link Phase 2 (North) - between Mill Street and West End

(e)               Do Minimum – optimisation of signal timings at key junctions, plus the addition of a junction at A40/Downs Rd in the 2026 scenario.



18.             All the alternatives and the Cogges Link Road have been compared in terms of how well they achieve the scheme objectives, particularly reducing traffic in Witney town centre, the Conservation Area and the AQMA, and whether they are feasible to build.  This process was used to narrow the number of options down to no more than two. 


19.             Computer models representing the Cogges Link Road, Shores Green interchange and West End Link Road were built, as well as a Do Minimum option.  The schemes were assessed in the screening process by examining their effect on traffic movements through the Conservation Area and the Air Quality Management Area.  Only the Cogges Link and Shores Green showed a reduction in trips through the two sensitive zones being tested. Therefore a full assessment of both schemes has been undertaken in line with government guidance for appraisal of transport schemes. 


20.             The full assessment appraised the schemes against the Government’s objectives for transport: environment, safety, economy, accessibility and integration.  The transport modelling element of this assessment built on the screening work by examining in greater detail the effectiveness of each scheme in serving the commercial town centre, whilst also assessing the change in impact on sensitive locations such as Bridge Street.  This assessment has consistently shown that a greater level of traffic benefits would be derived from the Cogges Link Road, principally because it carries a significant proportion of town centre traffic that would otherwise use Bridge Street.  The Shores Green interchange tends to score better under the environmental objectives because its footprint is very much smaller and is relatively remote.  However, it does not reduce traffic through the town centre nearly as much, with the levels of traffic predicted to use Cogges Link Road by 2011 double those predicted to use Shores Green Interchange.  For this reason, Cogges Link Road has been selected as the preferred route.


Land Implications


21.             All land will need to be obtained through a Compulsory Purchase Order as part of the proposed scheme.   Some of it is public open space and country park for which compensation land will be allocated.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


22.             Cogges Link Road Project supports the LTP2 objectives by:


(a)               Tackling congestion - removing traffic from the congested town centre making it better for public transport.

(b)               Delivering accessibility - by removing traffic from the town centre complementary measures are possible which further improves access in the town centre for all. Public transport will also have uncongested access to the town centre.

(c)               Safer Roads - The COBA/TUBA results demonstrate that the Cogges Link Road will deliver a reduction in accidents. The town centre will be a much safer place for pedestrians.

(d)               Better Air Quality - By removing traffic from the town centre the Cogges Link Road will improve the air quality in the key area where air quality management has been identified as needing improvement. 

(e)               Improving the Street Environment - By removing traffic from the town centre allowing complementary measures to go ahead the street environment will be improved for the residents of Witney. 




23.             On the basis that this report is approved, the planning application will be submitted in April 2008.  It is anticipated that a CPO enquiry will be required, which is currently planned for autumn 2008.  If this is on programme and approval is given then construction can commence a year later.


Financial and Staff Implications


24.             The current estimated total scheme cost including design, supervision, implementation and land acquisition is £16.4m at 2007 prices.  The scheme is to be funded from developer contributions (£11.8m) and the Local Transport Plan (LTP) (£4.6m).  Design and supervision will be carried out by Oxfordshire Highways with construction by a contractor appointed through a competitive process.




25.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve the submission of a planning application for the Cogges Link Road as described in the report and indicated on Drawing B0834600/Dwg/CLR/03D





Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Options Report

Traffic Model Forecasting Report

TAG Appraisal

Drawing B0834600/dwg/CLR/03D


Contact Officers:                   Jacqui Cox Tel: (01865) 815713

Julian Hartless Tel: (01865) 815097


March 2008


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