Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 27 March 2008


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Watlington








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report considers the results of a public consultation and formal advertisement of a proposed traffic calming scheme along Britwell Road, Watlington incorporating five pairs of 75mm high speed cushions as shown on the plan at Annex 1 (download as .doc file) to this report.




2.                  Britwell Road, B4009, is a classified road linking Benson with Watlington and then on to the M40.


3.                  The length subject to the proposed traffic calming has residential frontage development with footway and a system of street lighting that provides for a legal speed limit of 30mph.


4.                  Watlington Parish Council, together with local residents, have been campaigning for traffic calming along this length of road for many years.


5.                  There have been no reported personal injury accidents along this length of road over the last five years and an 85% ile speed of 38mph has been recorded.


6.                  A new housing development is now being built with an access road directly off Britwell Road as shown on the attached plan at Annex 1 (download as .doc file) .  As a consequence Section 106 monies have been reserved to pay for the implementation of this traffic calming scheme.




7.                  An informal consultation exercise was carried out in November 2007 with residents directly fronting the proposed scheme.  As a result one set of cushions was slightly relocated to avoid vehicular accesses.


8.                  A formal consultation exercise on the proposal was carried out between 2 January and 30 January 2008 with notices located on site published in the local press.


9.                  A total of 6 replies were received from local residents, 5 supported the scheme and one saying the scheme was totally inadequate and needed extending with the addition of a speed camera.  Watlington Parish Council replied stating support for the scheme but asked for one additional set of cushions. However the limited funds available do not allow this.  Thames Valley Police and the Fire Service have not objected to the scheme.


How the project supports LTP2 objectives


10.             The scheme will contribute to LTP2 objectives by reducing vehicle speeds which will improve the environment within the village.


Financial and Staff Implications


11.             The scheme is being funded by Section 106 monies from the new housing development to the value of £10,000.00




12.             The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to approve implementation of the scheme as advertised and shown on the plan annexed to this report.




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation documentation


Contact Officer:                     Peter Ronald, Tel 01235 466139


March 2008


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