Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 27 March 2008


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport

 – 27 March 2008


Statement of Decision


Request for Gating Order – Bulwarks Lane, Oxford



Cabinet Member for Transport : Councillor Ian Hudspeth


Graham Warrington (Corporate Core)

Steve Howell and Mike Horton (Environment & Economy)

Also in attendance: 

Other Members:

Councillor Roz Smith (Shadow Cabinet Member for Transport)

Councillor Alan Armitage (local member)

Councillor Barbara Gatehouse

Public Address:

City Councillors Paul Sargent and Colin Cook

Jane Baldwin (Oxford Preservation Trust)

PC Paul Phillips (Thames valley Police)


Documentation considered:


Request for Gating Order – Bulwarks Lane, Oxford

A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.


Summary of representations in person


City Councillor Sargent referred to many complaints which had been received regarding conduct in Bulwarks Lane.  There was unanimous support for a gating order from those organisations adjacent to the Lane and from the Central South West Area Committee.  However it was important that Bulwarks Lane remained part of the public network and that any move should not be seen as annexation by those colleges who had offered to fund the order and the works on site.  The lane was unsafe after dark and contrary to the report he understood that the Police supported a gating order.


City Councillor Cook speaking as Chair of the Central South West Area Committee  endorsed the points made by Councillor Sargent adding it was likely that crime levels in the lane were much higher than had been suggested.  Street lighting in the Lane was permanently out of use and the general appearance of the Lane was appalling.  It was proposed that the Lane should be closed only after dark and that the alternative routes would not inconvenience pedestrians.


Councillor Gatehouse also endorsed the comments made but supported a 24 hour closure because of the seriousness of the crimes committed.


Councillor Armitage referred to a long history of incidents in Bulwarks Lane with many incidents reported long before the period covered by the report.  Closure was supported by the Central South West Area Committee, the Neighbourhood Action Groups, Nuffield and St Peter’s Colleges and others adjacent to the Lane.  He urged that the County Council take these incidents seriously and support calls for a gating order.  He reiterated the point that inconvenience from using the alternative route would be minimal and as the Colleges had offered to fund and manage the gates there would be no cost to the County Council.


Jane Baldwin advised that the Oxford Preservation Trust were concerned at proposals to close this historic public street and resisted plans for a gating order. The Lane formed an integral part of the development of the history of the castle where the  line of the City wall ran along St George’s Mews and Bulwarks lane.  Closure represented an important encroachment into public space and would affect open views of the castle site.


PC Paul Phillips who had been the neighbourhood officer since 2003 spoke in support of a gating order.  The report had not given an accurate picture of crime levels nor did it reflect the frequent cases of anti social behaviour which had occurred.  The lack of lighting and CCTV coverage encouraged crime and in order to minimise the effects of such anti social behaviour it was important to control use of the Lane.  Closure would necessitate the use of alternative routes which were covered and limit the opportunities for crimes to be committed.  The lane had been closed in 2005/06 for building works and there had been no evidence of crime dispersal. 


Responding to Councillor Hudspeth PC Phillips apologised for the disparity between the figures provided by Thames Valley Police as set out in the officers report and his account.  He advised that the Crime Pattern Analysis report which had been submitted by Thames Valley Police and referred to in the report had been prepared without consulting local officers and therefore did not give the complete picture.


Councillor Smith recalled incidents which had occurred when she had used the Lane as a schoolgirl.  She recognised the important historic nature of the lane but also the need to protect members of the public and, bearing in mind that the lane would be kept open during the day, supported a gating order.


Cabinet Member’s Comments


Having listened to the arguments put forward and to the additional evidence submitted by PC Phillips Councillor Hudspeth was satisfied that there would be benefits from imposing a gating order.




Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, the representations made to me and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decisions on this matter as follows:

to approve the request for a Gating Order for Bulwarks Lane, Oxford.


Signed ......................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Transport


Date ………………………………….


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