Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 27 March 2008


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Division(s): Isis









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  Oxford City Council has secured funds from a local development in Wytham Street towards improving safety in the vicinity of the development.


2.                  Following a public meeting held with local residents, feedback was shown to support the proposed status of Wytham Street as a cycle route and to reduce the speed limit in the area to 20mph.


3.                  A scheme promoting a 20mph speed limit has been prepared and formal consultation undertaken.  Objections have been received.


4.                  This report describes the scheme, all responses received and seeks approval for its implementation.


20mph Speed Limit Proposal


5.                  The area covered by the proposal is detailed at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).  All the roads within the 20mph speed limit area have on-street parking and create an environment of visual constraint to drivers using the roads.  Signing is proposed to be kept to a minimum with entry points from Abingdon Road having signs either side of the carriageway and thereafter repeater signs spaced at a maximum of 200 metres utilising existing street lighting columns.  Their exact location will be determined on site.




6.                  Formal consultation on the draft speed limit Order was undertaken between 12 December 2007 and 18 January 2008 with local County Councillors, Oxford City Council, emergency services and all residents within the speed limit area.  Notices of the draft Order were placed in the local paper and street notices displayed on site.


7.                  Support for the proposal has been received from five Oxford City Councillors (two represent the Ward and one is resident), CYCLOX, Oxford Pedestrian Association, New Hinksey CE Primary School, ‘Life begins at 20’ group and twelve residents.


8.                  The response from the police suggests that the current speed of traffic is a reliable indicator of how acceptable a new speed limit would be.  It is therefore very important that the existing speed of traffic is within the guidelines for the introduction of such a speed limit and should not require unreasonable levels of enforcement by the police (should be self enforcing).  Thames Valley Police have no structured enforcement regime for 20mph speed limits.


9.                  Two letters of objection have been received.  The grounds for objection are:


·        Traffic is travelling at 20mph anyway so there is no need for a speed limit

·        Wytham Road is already a safe route for cyclists – there will be no benefit gained by lowering the speed limit

·        There will be visual impact of additional signage on Abingdon Road and within the speed limit area

·        Waste of money – it would be better spent on other things in Oxford.


10.             Copies of all letters received are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.


Officer Comments


11.             Traffic speeds taken in 2001 showed traffic travelling at the lower speed already and it is still considered appropriate to promote a 20mph speed limit.


12.             The 20mph speed limit will benefit the safety of users on the route and vehicles travelling at the lower speed will reduce the severity of any personal injury in the event of an accident.


13.             The implementation of the speed limit requires additional signage in accordance with the Traffic Signs Regulations.  To reduce the visual impact of repeater signs the smallest number and smallest permissible sign size will be used.


14.             The use of the Section 106 developer contribution is limited to safety improvements in and around Wytham Street and cannot be used as a general fund.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


15.             This scheme will contribute to the general improvement to road safety and reduce the severity of accidents.


Financial and Staff Implications


16.             Funding for the scheme will be from secured Section 106 money.  Oxford City Council, acting as agents, will implement the scheme using their city works contractor.


17.             The County Council’s legal section will be involved with the Traffic Regulation Order process.




18.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve the making of a 20mph Speed Limit Order for the area bounded by Norreys Road, Wytham Street and Oswestry Road as advertised and set out on drawing no. CO262/02/01B aneexed to this Report.





Head of Transport

Environment & Economy



Background papers:             Consultation documentation


Contact Officer:                     Mike Collins 01865 815877


March 2008


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