Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 27 March 2008


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Division(s): All Oxford City Wards, North Hinksey & Wytham, Kidlington & Yarnton







Report by Head of Transport




1.                  Amendments to the relevant Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) to permit the use of bus lanes by Private Hire Vehicles (PHVs) were formally advertised in July/August 2007.  This amendment was requested by the Oxford and District Private Hire Association (O&DPHA) so that PHVs can use bus lanes, in Oxford and on its approaches, in the same way that Hackney Carriages do.  The results of this consultation were reported to the Transport Decisions Committee on 6 September 2007.  For ease of reference the main body of that report is reproduced at Annex 1 (download as .doc file)


2.                  The previous report highlighted the fact that there was no data on the current use of the bus lanes and the adjacent general traffic lanes and it was not possible to quantify the potential effect of permitting PHVs to use bus lanes.  This report considers the results of surveys undertaken to assess the potential effect of PHVs being permitted on the bus lanes and recommends a suitable way forward.




3.                  Bus lanes are provided on most of the main roads into Oxford.  The individual lengths of bus lane, as broadly set out in the TROs, are shown at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).  Survey work was concentrated on those sections of bus lane where it was considered that a higher flow of PHVs would be passing and the effect of permitting them to use the bus lanes would therefore be clearer.  The surveys were undertaken at the following locations:


  • Banbury Road - between Canterbury Road & St Margaret’s Road


  • Banbury Road - between Rawlinson Road & Thackley Place


  • Banbury Road - between Belbroughton Road & Linton Road


  • Woodstock Road - between Belbroughton Road & Linton Road


  • Woodstock Road - between Polstead Road & Frenchay Road


  • Botley Road - between Binsey Lane & Prestwich Place


  • Botley Road - between Bulstake Close & Park & Ride



A plan showing all the bus lanes and the survey points will be on display at the meeting.

4.                  The survey results for each of the above sites are shown at Annex 3 (download as .doc file).  The surveys show that there is some use of the bus lanes currently by PHVs but this is low.  Some of the survey sites also show a low level of use of the bus lane by Hackney Carriages.


5.                  Annex 4 shows the average number of PHVs that could be expected to use the bus lanes if access were to be permitted.  The effect on buses and other traffic permitted to use the bus lane would appear to be minimal.


Signing of Bus Lanes


6.                  Signs for bus lanes can include the word “taxi” on them if access to Hackney Carriages is being permitted as is the case in Oxford.  The definition of a “taxi” is a vehicle licensed under section 37 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 which refers to Hackney Carriages.  If access to bus lanes by PHVs was to be permitted it would normally require a change to the bus lane signs.  The Department for Transport has for those authorities that permit PHVs to use bus lanes, approved a variation to the bus lane signs.  It is estimated that to change the signage on the bus lanes could cost in the region of £100k.  However the actual cost may be greater than this if the new signs require new posts because of an increase in size.


7.                  Camera enforcement of bus lanes will be considered in the next two years and bus lane signage may have to be changed when this is introduced.  It is not considered appropriate therefore to make any changes to the current signage if the decision is made to permit access to them by PHVs.




8.                  The survey results suggest that the effect, on bus journey times, of permitting use of the bus lanes by PHVs would be minimal.  There will, however, as highlighted in the previous report, be an increase in the demand for travel due to future development which will need to be met substantially by buses.  What is not clear is when this development will take place and the level of increase in bus services that will be required to meet the additional demand for travel.


9.                  It is suggested that access to bus lanes by PHVs be permitted but that no changes be made to the signage until such time as camera enforcement is introduced.


10.             It is also suggested that in the period between the amended TRO’s, which have already been formally consulted on, becoming operative and the decision to introduce camera enforcement on bus lanes, that consideration be given to regular monitoring.  This monitoring would allow the true effect of permitting PHVs to use the bus lanes to be assessed and it would help in assessing whether any changes need to be made to the future level of access to bus lanes.  This monitoring should include


    • How PHVs, as well as Hackney Carriages and cycles, interact with buses;
    • Classified counts of all vehicles in the bus lanes and the adjacent general traffic lane; and
    • Detailed review of accidents on those sections of road where bus lanes are provided.


In recognition of the role of bus lanes, should this monitoring suggest that bus reliability is affected, then the Cabinet Member will be asked to review use of them by vehicles other than buses. 


How the project supports LTP Objectives


11.             PHVs (like Hackney carriages) are acknowledged to play a role in complementing the public transport network.  In many areas, they may be the only form of transport available to those who do not have access to a private car.


Financial and Staff Implications


12.             There are no financial or staffing implications.




13.             The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to agree:


(a)               to the use of bus lanes by Private Hire Vehicles and to authorise that relevant Traffic Regulation Orders are made; and


(b)              not to make any changes to the bus lane signage at this stage;




Head of Transport


Background papers:             Nil


Contact Officer:                     John Cramer Tel: 01865 815963


March 2008

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