Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 26 March 2009



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Division(s): Headington & Marston









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report considers comments and objections received to a formal advertisement and statutory consultation to vary the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for the Marston South Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in Oxford to amend the parking arrangements in a number of streets in response to requests from local residents, councillors and businesses.




2.                  Since the introduction of the Marston South CPZ and Residents Parking Scheme in mid-2007 there have been a number of requests for amendments to better reflect the needs of those who live and work in the area. Some of these concerns were raised during the implementation of the scheme but were not able to be incorporated at that stage. A number have arisen with the growth in weekend use of the former Milham Girls School site by Oxford Brookes University.


Public Consultation


3.                  Informal consultation on suggested changes was carried out in October 2008 and the results used to formulate formal proposals which were consulted on between 29 January and 27 February 2009.  Annex 1 (download as .doc file) describes the proposed changes. Letters and plans were sent to all properties in the streets in the vicinity of the proposed changes, notices explaining the proposals placed on site and in the local newspaper and information sent to local Councillors and the emergency services. A copy of the public notice is attached at Annex 2 (download as .doc file) and the full legal documents, which were placed on deposit at Old Marston Library and at County Hall, are available for inspection in the Members’ Resource Centre.


4.                  In total, 15 letters or e-mails were received in response to the advertised proposals.  A précis of these together with the observations of the Head of Transport is attached at Annex 3 (download as .doc file). Copies of all these communications are on deposit in the Members’ Resource Centre.


5.                  In summary the responses on a street-by-street basis are:-

·        the proposed changes in Marston Road Service Road, Moody Road, Nicholson Road and Weldon Road received either no comments or support.

·        one resident in each of Prichard Road and Jack Straw’s Lane commented that the proposed change to the restrictions was insufficient to deal with the problems they experience.

·        the proposed introduction of additional parking bays in Peacock Road received support from a resident and some concerns from the Police.

·        two residents are against the introduction of single yellow lines (in place of existing double yellow lines) in front of their garages on Harberton Mead and the Police are concerned that this change could lead to complaints of obstruction.

·        one resident has objected to the introduction of a parking bay (partly on the footway) on Hayes Close.  The Police have said that this change is undesirable unless sufficient footway width is retained. Two residents and an Oxford City Councillor have expressed support for the proposal.

·        the Feilden Grove Residents Association has requested the extension of the hours of operation of the parking bays in their area to match that being proposed for Harberton Mead. Separately, one resident of Feilden Grove has suggested that the restrictions remain unchanged and another has proposed that they become Monday-Sunday and that the parking bays be interchanged.




6.                  It can be seen that, taken overall, the proposals have support. However it is recognised that weekend parking by non-residents around the Milham Ford site, particularly in Jack Straw’s Lane and Feilden Grove, will need to be kept under review, and proposals developed to deal with any persistent problems. The relaxation of restrictions in front of the garages in Harberton Mead is a compromise between the residents desire to park here in the absence of driveways, and the need to keep the accessways free from illegal obstruction. This approach will be kept under review to see if it can be applied elsewhere.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


7.                  The proposals described in this report comply with the LTP2 objectives of Tackling Congestion (encouraging development that minimises congestion) and improving the Street Environment (better management of parking). They also complement the Travel Plans Strategy.


Financial Implications (including Revenue)


8.                  Funding for the costs of implementing the proposals described in this report, estimated to be around £2000 (including advertising) will be met from existing budgets.




9.                  The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve the  making of the proposed changes to the Marston South CPZ as advertised and described in this report.




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Copies of all the letters are available in the Members’                                                     Resource room.


Contact Officer:                     David Tole Tel 01865 815942


March 2009

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