Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 24 April 2008


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Summertown and Wolvercote







Report by Head of Transport




1.                  The purpose of this report is to consider the comments and objections received to the formal advertisement and statutory consultation on the proposal to vary the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for the North Summertown Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) to accommodate a proposed housing development, relocate a parking bay and make other minor changes.




2.                  Following the introduction of the North Summertown CPZ in autumn 2007 the County Council was approached by the Cherwell Housing Trust seeking to alter the position of a parking bay on Hawksmoor Road to allow for the construction of a garage block. At the same time representations had been received about the location of another bay on Hawksmoor Road and from a disabled resident complaining that the location of a parking bay on Scott Road had created great difficulties in manoeuvring a vehicle out of his driveway.




3.                  As a consequence of the proposed redevelopment of Sunnymeade Court, Cherwell Housing Trust wish to alter to the position of a parking bay on Hawksmoor Road to allow for the construction of a garage block. This proposal is to swap the length of double yellow lines currently at the side of Nos 25-37 Hawksmoor Road with the section of 2-hour parking currently in front of the proposed garage block; overall there would be no loss of on-street parking places. It is also proposed to make a slight reduction in the length of the parking bay near the Jackson Road junction as there have been complaints that this is dangerous. These proposals are illustrated on drawing 320/Aa/2514 at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).


4.                  In response to complaints from a disabled resident of Scott Road regarding difficulties in egressing from his driveway as a result of the positioning of the parking bay nearest to Wolsey Road, it is proposed to move the bay to the opposite side of Scott Road and to shorten it to keep the driveway clear. The overall effect will be the loss of one parking space. The proposal is illustrated on drawing 320/Aa/2513 at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).


5.                  A number of other minor alterations are being proposed to correct wording errors in the Order; there is no effect on the restrictions on street.

Public Consultation


6.                  The proposals were advertised for public consultation between 8 February 2008 and 29 February 2008 with notices published in the Oxford Times and posted at each site. Letters were also delivered to over 60 properties in the immediate vicinity of the parking places concerned. Councillors and other interested bodies were consulted and invited to comment at the same time.


7.                  Only one letter of objection has been received in response to the advertised proposals. This is summarised together with the observations of the Head of Transport in the table at Annex 3 (download as .doc file).  A copy of the letter is on deposit in the Members’ Resource Centre.




8.                  Whilst the concerns of the objector regarding the security of his vehicle are fully understood, as there is alternative parking nearby and Council policies prioritise the needs of the disabled, the proposals should proceed as advertised.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


9.                  These proposals are in line with the LTP objective of Improving the Street Environment.


Financial Implications (including Revenue)


10.             The cost of these proposals is estimated to be around £2500 (including advertising costs) which will be funded by the developers of Sunnymeade Court.




11.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to authorise the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (North Summertown) (Controlled Parking Zone and Waiting Restrictions)  (Variation No. 1) Order 200* as advertised




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation Documentation

Copy of letter of objection available in the Members’ Resource Centre.


Contact Officer:                     David Tole, Tel 01865 815942


April 2008


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