Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 24 April 2008


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport – 24 April 2008


Statement of Decision


Oxford, North Summertown CPZ – Minor Amendments



Cabinet Member for Transport : Councillor Ian Hudspeth


Graham Warrington (Corporate Core)

Graham Warrington and David Tole (Environment & Economy)


Also in attendance: 

Other Members:

Councillor Jean Fooks  (as local member)

Public Address:

 Mr K Skeats, Scott Road, Oxford


Documentation considered:


Oxford, North Summertown CPZ – Minor Amendments


A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.


Summary of representations in person


Mr Skeats advised that due to a serious medical condition he found it extremely difficult to manouvere in and out of his driveway and spoke in support of the proposals set out in paragraph 4. 


Councillor Fooks supported the proposed change in favour of Mr Skeats.  Referring to continuing safety concerns on Hawksmoor Road she asked whether a zone review date had been set.


Mr Tole advised that arrangements in Hawksmoor Road had been reviewed because of a need to relocate garages and as the Zone itself had only been implemented in Autiumn 2007 he suggested that it was a little early to undertake a wholesale review.  However, individual issues would be addressed as necessary. 


Cabinet Member’s Comments


Councillor Hudspeth endorsed the comments regarding a general review of the Zone itself but confirmed that the County Council would consider modifications if necessary.




Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, the representations made to me and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decisions on this matter as follows:


to authorise the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (North Summertown) (Controlled Parking Zone and Waiting Restrictions) (Variation No. 1) Order 200* as advertised




Signed ......................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Transport


Date ………………………………….


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