Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 23 November 2006


Return to Items for Decision

Division(s): Headington & Marston




Report by Head of Transport


  1. This report considers responses received to a public consultation on the proposed installation of a Toucan crossing on Headley Way, Oxford, near to Staunton Road. A plan showing the location of the crossing is shown at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).
  2. Background

  3. Improvements were identified for the cycle route between the City centre and the John Radcliffe Hospital (JRH)/Headington as part of the Headington and Marston Transport Strategy (HAMATS). During 2005/06 a Toucan crossing was installed on Marston Road at its junction with Jack Straws Lane. The proposal considered in this report will continue the route that follows South Parks Road, the University Parks cycle route, Edgeway Road, Marston Road and Jack Straws Lane/Staunton Road (Annex 2) (download as .doc file)..
  4. Proposal

  5. Several options for the crossing were considered during early stages, and officers selected the one shown at Annex 1 (download as .doc file) for design in that it was considered to provide the best solution for pedestrians and cyclists. The proposed crossing design ensures that pedestrians and cyclists would be able to cross Headley Way in one go rather than having to stop in the middle of the road making the crossing attractive to users and reducing the requirement for street furniture.
  6. Consultation

  7. Formal consultation was carried out between 4 and 29 September with local County Councillors, Oxford City Council, emergency services, other relevant bodies and local residents. Thirty-four letters were sent out and seven replies received. Six of the replies indicated support for the scheme with one objecting. Copies of the responses are available in the Members’ Resource Centre (MRC).
  8. The one objection received was from the Oxford Bus Company who recognised the need for a crossing in this area and also the importance of a safe crossing but felt that the proposed location was unacceptable. Their concern was that it was too close to the access road to the JRH and that when the signals were red traffic would queue across the roundabout holding up buses on what is already a very congested pinch-point.
  9. The proposed crossing lies on a desire line for pedestrians and cyclists and, whilst it is accepted that introducing signals will potentially cause queuing, the crossing will not be in constant use and timings can be adjusted to keep delays to a minimum. Advisory "Keep Clear" markings could also be painted on the roundabout to encourage drivers not to block the exit from the hospital access.
  10. One additional response was received from Cyclox after the closing date. They indicated support for the scheme and commented on alterations they would like made. These will be carried out where possible. A copy of their letter is also available in the MRC. A full summary of the comments received in response to the consultation on the proposal along with officer comment is set out at Annex 3 (download as .doc file)..
  11. Officer Comment

  12. The crossing has generally been supported and once constructed will provide an important element of cycle/pedestrian facilities in the area.
  13. It is considered that the benefits of the crossing to the community as a whole outweigh potential delays to traffic.
  14. Land Issues

  15. A slice of land at the north-east corner of Headley Way/access to JRH roundabout is required to allow for construction of a segregated cycle/pedestrian facility. Discussions are taking place with the Hospital Trust to secure this land and there is a strong indication that an amicable agreement can be reached in time to allow planned construction early next year.
  16. How the Project Supports LTP Objectives

  17. The provision of the crossing will improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists wishing to cross Headley Way and should encourage others to walk and cycle helping to tackle the traffic congestion on the road network in the area. This is particularly important in the context of the closure of the Radcliffe Infirmary and the relocation of approximately 1200 staff to the John Radcliffe Headington site in January.
  18. Financial and Staff Implications

  19. The design and construction costs of the proposed Toucan crossing are estimated at £86,000, which will be fully funded from developer funding associated with the development of the JRH.

  21. The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve installation of a Toucan crossing on Headley Way as detailed in Annex 1 (download as .doc file) to this report subject to:

(a) acquisition of the required land as described in paragraph 10 of this report; and

(b) authorising the Head of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to resolve any concerns or comments resulting from the detailed design and/or Road Safety Audit process should any arise.

(Statement of Decision)

Head of Transport

Background papers: Consultation documentation and responses

Contact Officer: Craig Rossington, telephone: (01865) 815575

2 November 2007

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