Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 23 November 2006


Return to Items for Decision

Division(s): Banbury (Ruscote)




Report by Head of Transport


  1. This report considers the objections received following the formal advertisement of the above draft Order and whether or not the draft Order should be made or amended.
  2. Background

  3. Following the Western Corridor Study and a study of accident statistics it was considered that measures were required to help reduce incidents at this busy road junction and aid the flow of traffic along Ruscote Avenue. This proposal restricts turning manoeuvres at the junction banning egress traffic from making a right turn from both Beaumont Road and Kraft (Annex 1) (download as .doc file).
  4. Consultation

  5. Both formal and informal consultation has been carried out. A total of 14 responses were received ten of which occurred at the informal stage. There were no amendments to the proposals between consultation periods.
  6. The draft Order was published in the Banbury Guardian on 14 September 2006. At the same time statutory consultees were sent copies of the draft Order and Notice together with copies of drawing No LEH/120/Ruscote. Notices were also posted on the affected roads. The time allowed for submission of objections was 28 days from the above date.
  7. Of the 14 responses received, 10 indicated concerns over the proposals. Support was received from Thames Valley Police and Banbury Town Council. Each response is summarised with officer response at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).
  8. Environmental Implications and LTP2

  9. Re-routeing of traffic over longer distances has been minimised in these proposals. The scheme is set in the context of other Western Corridor measures that seek to reduce speeds along the route, which will have slight environmental benefits.
  10. The measures in an LTP2 policy context are primarily accident reduction but as explained its corridor context aims to achieve some environmental improvements.
  11. If all current right turning traffic attempts to U turn at the Lockheed Close roundabout there will be a rise in traffic on the approach to the roundabout. However this is only likely to be influential in the late afternoon peak. In the Western Corridor Study the Lockheed Close roundabout was analysed in ARCADY (a computer simulation model) and found to be near capacity in both directions. However, providing a two-lane approach for westbound traffic on the exit towards the Southam Road Roundabout greatly eases the result. Several options to achieve this were considered ranging from simple remarking to degrees of widening. The view taken so far at Banbury TAC has been to monitor the effect of the turn ban, allowing for any rerouteing affect to the north end of Beaumont Road in practice and then consider the extent of change needed.
  12. Financial and Staff Implications

  13. There is an allocation of funds in the current capital budget to carry out this work and similarly staff allocation is contained within current resource levels.

  15. The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to authorise the making without any amendment of the Oxfordshire County Council (Banbury, Ruscote Avenue)(Prohibition of Right Turns) Order 200* as originally advertised and consulted on.

    (Statement of Decision)

Director for Transport

Background papers: Consultation Documentation (Copies of all correspondence have been deposited in the Members’ Resource Centre).

Contact Officers:
David Clough Tel: 01865 815743
Louise Harrison Tel: 01865 812632

November 2006

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