Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 23 April 2009



Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Witney East & West








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report consider comments and objections received to a formal advertisement and statutory consultation on amending the Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) for the Town Centre areas of Witney. The proposals have arisen from requests received over a number of years by the area office.




2.                  Over a number of years the Northern Area Office has received many requests for minor changes to the parking and waiting restrictions in a number of different areas generally in the Town centre. Many of these areas have suffered and are suffering from all day commuter parking despite all of the off street car parks being free of charge in Witney.


3.                  During the early stages of the Witney Integrated Transport and Land Use Study (WITLUS), there were proposals to consider the cntral area of the Town for a parking review which was potentially to incorporate some form of resident parking zones. With this in mind, this process could have swept up many of the outstanding requests received previously. Unfortunately the parking proposals element of the WITLUS programme was subsequently dropped, thus leaving the outstanding requests still needing to be addressed.


4.                  With the onset of the proposals for countywide decriminalisation of parking this now seemed like the most appropriate opportunity to progress these requests as many of them were still in need of change due to the safety and obstruction issues that they are regularly being associated with.


5.                  The published proposals included amendments in the following streets, Church Green, Corndell Gardens, Corn Street, Dark Lane, Farm Mill Lane, Holloway Road, New Bridge Street, Newland Mill, Pensclose, Station Lane, The Crofts and Wainrush View.


Public Consultation


6.                  Public consultation was carried out from 14 January for a period of 28 days. A public notice was placed in the Witney Gazette and notices placed onsite at each location referred to in the documentation. Letters were also sent to  statutory consultees enclosing the draft Order, the Public Notice (as placed in the Witney Gazette) and plans showing the extent of the proposals.


7.                  24 responses were received during the 28 day consultation period including Thames Valley Police. The majority of responses opposed the proposals although three responses supported the measures but requested that they be extended further. A summary of the responses received is set out at Annex 1 (download as .doc file). Copies of all communications are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.


8.                  The majority of the responses refer to three particular areas: Crofts/Holloway Road, Farm Mill Lane and Dark Lane, but comments have also been received for Pensclose and Wainrush View.




9.                  In the main, most of the proposals have met with minimal response. Some of the proposals can be slightly amended to take account of the comments raised without the need to re-advertise, but it is clear that further consultation with residents and businesses will be required on some of the locations due to the level of comment received.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


10.             The proposals described in this report comply with the LTP2 objectives of Tackling Congestion (encouraging development that minimises congestion), Safer Roads (improving the safety of all road users especially at junctions) and improving the Street Environment (better management of parking).


Financial and Staff Implications


11.             The funding for the project is being met from two sources. Firstly a contribution of £5000 has been agreed from section 106 monies from the redevelopment of Abingdon and Witney College with the balance funded from the Northern Area revenue traffic budget. The total cost is not expected to exceed £7500. Work on this project has been undertaken by Transport staff as part of their normal working week.




12.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to


(a)               approve the making of the OCC (Various Roads, Witney)(Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting)(Amendment) Order 2009 as published to include those locations where no comments or objections were received namely Church Green, Corndell Gardens, New Bridge Street, Newland Mill and Station Lane. These proposals to be readvertised due to the substantial change from the original Public Notice;


(b)              approve that those locations namely Farm Mill Lane, Holloway Road, Pensclose and Wainrush View where minor adjustments can be made to the original proposals based on the comments received during the consultation be included in the readvertised proposals referred to in (a) above; and


(c)               approve that Dark Lane and The Crofts which received objections and which require agreement through further consultation be removed from the Amendment Order on the basis that once agreed these locations and proposals will be re-advertised in due course.





Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Documentation as per consultation including location plans.

Copies of all the letters received are available in the Members’ Resource room.


Contact Officer:                     Paul Wilson Tel: (01865) 812612


March 2009


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