Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 23 April 2009


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Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report proposes revisions to the Bus Shelter Grant Scheme in order to maximise the number of shelters that can be funded within the available budget.




2.                  Since April 1999 Oxfordshire County Council has administered a ‘Bus Shelter Grant Scheme’ whereby Parish, Town, District or other local Councils have been able to apply for funding to assist in the construction of new bus shelters. The scheme was originally funded from the LTP capital programme with contributions from the Countryside Agency. Following the cessation of Countryside Agency funding, this Council continued to allocate £25,000 from the annual capital programme. Beginning in April 2008 Shelter Grant funding has been allocated from the Public Transport Development Team revenue budget.


3.                  Under the terms of the current grants scheme local parishes can apply for part funding of the cost of new or replacement bus shelters. Two rates of grant are available.


(i)                 A higher rate ranging from 50% to 90% of the total cost (depending on the population of the parish). Available for all new shelters and major improvements to existing structures.


(ii)               A lower rate ranging from 20% to 80% of the total cost (depending on the population of the parish).  Available for minor enhancements to existing structures and replacement shelters that are smaller than the original.


4.                  This has led to situations whereby local Councils can apply for grants that use a large proportion of the total available budget and thereby reduces the number which can benefit from the scheme. For example, in July 2007 a parish council requested a grant for a bus shelter costing £10,695. The Parish were eligible for a grant of £8,556 (80% cost of the shelter), almost a third of the total Shelter Grant Scheme funding allocation for that year.


5.                  During the 2008/9 financial year the County Council has received 19 applications for Shelter Grants. Funding has been sufficient to meet 10 of these requests. The average grant awarded was approximately £2,300.


Proposed Changes


6.                  In response to the funding constraints, the following policy changes are proposed:


(i)                 Grants to be allocated on a first come first served basis.


(ii)               A single level of grant funding to be available, 50%, up to a maximum of £2,500.


(iii)             Local councils are encouraged to purchase shelters through Oxfordshire County Council’s contract supplier, currently Bus Shelters Ltd. A range of designs will be available, including wooden shelters, and the local council would benefit from the economies of scale offered through the County Council’s agreement with the supplier.




7.                  Parish and town councils have been invited to respond to the proposed changes. A summary of these responses is attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file)

(Attachment – Bus Shelter Grant Scheme Guidance - download as .doc file)

(Attachment – Shelter Grants – The Process at a Glance- download as .doc file)


How the project supports LTP2 objectives


8.                  Bus shelters help to make bus travel attractive for passengers. If they are of a passenger-friendly design, kept clean and in good repair, they can do much to encourage people to use public transport. This assists in generating additional passenger numbers, providing accessibility for residents to a range of services and encourages sustainable travel.


Financial Implications (including revenue)


9.                  The original Shelter Grant Scheme had a budget of £75,000, of which £25,000 was allocated from the County Council’s capital programme and £25,000 from the Public Transport Development Team’s revenue programme during the 2008/9 financial year. It is proposed that £25,000 is allocated to the scheme in 2009/10 financial year.




The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to endorse:


(a)               continuation of the Bus Shelter Grant Scheme; and


(b)              changes to the Bus Shelter Grant Scheme as set out in paragraph 6(i)-(iii) above.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Draft Bus Shelter Grant Scheme.

Draft Outline of Grant Scheme process.

Summary of responses to consultation.


Contact Officer:                     Matt Bromley Tel 01865 815531, or

Chris Spry Tel 01865 815711


March 2009


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