Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 22 November 2007


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Witney East








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  The above scheme is being proposed as an improved cycle/pedestrian link between the north east of Witney and the town centre. Parts of this route will use existing footway, which will need to be converted to shared cycle/pedestrian usage in accordance with the Highways Act 1980 and another part will need to be converted to Bridleway.  The rest of the route is made of paths constructed as part of recent housing developments.




2.                  The north east of Witney has experienced significant development in recent years, with the large urban extension at ‘Madley Park’ consisting of almost 1200 houses, a primary school and local centre almost complete. The well established Wood Green Secondary School is also located adjacent to the new primary school which serves the surrounding areas of North and East Witney.


3.                  To complement these developments Oxfordshire County Council is proposing the Woodgreen cycle track to provide a link between Woodstock Road and Newland using existing paths and those provided by recent and proposed developments. One particular route has been identified as having great potential to encourage walking and cycling by providing a good link between both existing and new housing, the town centre and key facilities in Witney (see Annex 1 (download as .pdf file) for general layout).


4.                  The existing paths will be repaired and resurfaced and in some cases widened.  New street lighting will also improve and encourage use of the route by making it safer and turning it into an all year round route.


5.                  The scheme is fully supported by the Integrated Transport Strategy Team, the Travel Plans Team and SUSTRANS. The County Council is seeking to implement this route using funding from a variety of sources including the s106 funding taken from the North East Witney housing development and the Better Ways to School allocation. Contributions from SUSTRANS, in the form of a Central Government grant are expected.


Footway/Footpath Conversion to Cycle Track


6.                  As parts of the route use an existing footway this will need to be converted to shared use pedestrian cycle track in accordance with the Highways Act 1980, (Annex 2) (download as .pdf file).


7.                  There is also a section of definitive footpath (Annex 3) (download as .pdf file) which is already regularly used by pedestrians and cyclists.  Being a definitive footpath usage by cyclists is informal.  However to formalise this it will need to be converted to cycle track to allow for shared usage.  Should this option be pursued it will then cease to be a definitive footpath and the footpath as a whole will lose continuity for the future. This option will almost certainly receive objections, which could eventually require a decision by the Secretary of State.


8.                  Alternatively, if this section of the path were converted to Bridleway it would retain definitive status and the route retain continuity. This option will allow cyclists and horse riders to use it, although use by the latter is considered to be fairly unlikely. However, this option does mean undertaking an extended formal consultation period and ultimately the agreement of the Planning & Regulation Committee.  It is expected that this approach will not raise any major objection. This option is still dependent on the permission of the landowner to convert the footpath to  Bridleway.


9.                  Both options are likely to involve a drawn out legal process: consequently it is proposed to adopt a two phase approach.  Phase 1 will be the construction of the southern cycle track with conversion to shared usage of the footway as shown at Annex 2 (download as .pdf file).  Construction is planned to take place early in the New Year.  Phase 2 will be construction of the northern route in the 2008/09 financial year and will be subject to the satisfactory conversion of the definitive footpath to Bridleway.  This part of the route is also dependent on completion of a s106 agreement.




10.             The recent consultation for this scheme ran from 3 September to 28 September 2007 and consisted of a letter drop, notices posted on site and letters to stakeholders and sought the views of the local community over the introduction of the cycle route.  Out of over 300 letters 8 responses were received with no objections; in fact the majority were openly supportive.  The consultation also included the conversion of footway to shared cycle and pedestrian usage shown at Annex 2 (download as .pdf file).  Further formal consultations will need to be undertaken to convert the northern section of the path (Annex 3)(download as .pdf file) to a bridleway, as described in paragraph 8 above.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


11.             This scheme will contribute to achieving all five of the priority objectives as outlined in the Oxfordshire LTP 2006-2011. These five objectives are ‘tackling congestion, delivering accessibility, safer roads, better air quality and improving the street environment’.


12.             The delivery of the Wood Green cycle scheme would make the town centre and south/west Witney more accessible to/from the north and east of the town for pedestrians and cyclists. This is aided by its coherent linkage with the existing Cogges cycle track on the other side of Newland which heads towards the town centre, thereby providing people with an attractive alternative to the congested Bridge Street route. The northern end of the route is also close to a primary and a secondary school which facilitates journeys made by school children. By providing attractive walking and cycle routes such as the Woodgreen scheme, more residents in the surrounding area should be encouraged to walk or cycle rather than drive, which should help to tackle congestion.  Implementation of this off-road route may contribute towards a reduction in road traffic accidents involving pedestrians/cyclists. The cycle route is outside of the Air Quality Management Area and therefore provides a comparatively pollution free route between north and south east Witney.


Financial Implications (including Revenue)


13.             Scheme costs are currently estimated at approximately £150K.  It is expected that 50% of the total cost will be provided by SUSTRANS, in the form of a grant as part of the Links to School Scheme with approximately £45K to be provided from s106 agreements and the remainder funded from the BWTS budget.




14.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to authorise implementation of the Woodgreen Cycle Track as shown in Annex 1 (download as .pdf file) to this report and to:


(a)               authorise that the length of footway detailed in Annex 2 (download as .pdf file) to this report be removed under the powers in Section 66(4) of the Highways Act 1980 and a cycle track constructed under Section 65(1) as set out in this report;


(b)              authorise officers to pursue the conversion of the length of definitive footpath shown in Annex 3 (download as .pdf file) to this report as re-designated Bridleway in order to allow cyclists to formally use it, subject to the satisfactory outcome of a formal consultaion and the agreement of the Planning & Regulation Committee.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Background documentation


Contact Officer:                     Mike Wasley, Tel 01865 810464


November 2007


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