Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 22 November 2007


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Division(s): Abingdon East, West and North









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report details the results of a public consultation on amendments to Traffic Regulation Orders on Stert and Broad Streets, Abingdon.  The Orders are in respect of the provision of loading bays and disabled persons parking places and alterations to the existing loading/unloading restrictions.  The report recommends that approval be granted for the making of the Orders.  A reduced scale plan showing the extent of the amendments is attached at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).


2.                  Also detailed within the report are the results of informal consultation with interested parties on the inclusion of a contra-flow cycle lane on East St Helen Street from Lombard Street to its junction with Bridge Street which officially forms part of National Cycle Network Route no. 5.  The report recommends that the contra-flow cycle lane be implemented in 2009/10 when funding for the High Street works is available.  A reduced scale plan showing the proposed cycle lane is attached at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).


Traffic Regulation Order


3.                  Oxfordshire County Council’s former Environmental Committee adopted an Integrated Transport Strategy for Abingdon on 27 June 2001.  A design for the town centre scheme was progressed to public exhibition in July 2004. and proposals to provide loading bays and disabled persons parking places on the west side of Stert Street were included in the scheme at that stage.  Consultation responses to the exhibition led to the inclusion of additional loading bays on the east side of Stert Street and the contra-flow cycle route on East St Helen Street.


4.                  Results of the exhibition were reported to the Executive in November 2004 who endorsed the scheme.


Consultation on Traffic Regulation Order Amendments


5.                  Public consultation on the proposed Traffic Regulation Order amendments was undertaken between 31 August and 28 September 2007.


6.                  Consultation was carried out with emergency services, members of the AbITS Members Steering Group, local County Councillors, Vale of White Horse District Council, Abingdon Town Council, road user groups, residents and businesses.  Copies of the public notices appeared in the local press and were posted on street furniture along Stert Street.


7.                  Thames Valley Police have confirmed that they have no objections to the proposed amendments.


8.                  One letter of objection received during the consultation period was concerned with the loading/disabled bay on the west side being too close to the pelican crossing and that there was no loading bay facility directly outside their premises for them to occasionally offload heavy items.  The comments are summarised along with an officer response at Annex 3 (download as .doc file).  Copies of  correspondence received are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.


Officer Comment on Consultation Responses


9.                  Changes to the kerbline are proposed at the southern most pelican crossing with its traffic signal posts and lights repositioned to ensure maximum forward visibility.  The loading bays have been strategically positioned to serve all shops and businesses on Stert Street some of which also have rear access and more use of these is being encouraged.


Contra-flow Cycle Lane


10.             Informal consultation on the proposal to include the contra-flow cycle lane on East St Helen Street was undertaken at the request of the AbITS Members Steering Group.  Comments were invited from the Steering Group members, local County Councillors, Vale of White Horse District Council, Abingdon Town Council, English Heritage, cycle groups and local residents.


11.             SUSTRANS, the UK’s leading sustainable transport charity support the scheme as it will improve safety for cyclists on National Route no. 5.  A number of residents also commented that the contra-flow will make cycling safer and improve access across the town.


12.             English Heritage had no objection to a contra-flow cycle lane from Lombard Street to the back of the County Hall but would not favour its continuation to the junction with Bridge Street, due to visual clutter.


13.             One letter of objection was received from a member of the public, who stated that funding for this scheme would be better spent on policing cyclists in the town.  The comments are summarised along with an officer response at Annex 4 (download as .doc file).  Copies of the correspondence are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.


Officers Comment on Consultation Responses


14.             The design at Annex 2 (download as .doc file) has been through a safety audit and was designed with minimal signage, in keeping with OCC policy on de-cluttering.  A refuge will be implemented at the junction of East St Helen Street with Bridge Street to allow cyclists to wait safely to cross the road and to alert drivers entering East St Helen Street to the contra-flow lane. 


15.             The land currently used as a flower bed outside the County Hall will need to be purchased from the Town Council in order to have the width required at the junction.  Negotiations have commenced with the Town Council with a view to achieving the dedication of the necessary area of land.  As part of the works, the area of the flower bed, which is not required for the scheme, will be repaved, improving the pedestrian links to the town centre.  The current taxi rank on this section of East St Helen Street will be removed as space for 4 and 3 taxis are to be provided off Broad Street and Queen Street respectively.


16.             Further design work is needed for a refuge on Bridge Street to allow cyclists to stop safely while crossing the road and continuing on Route no. 5 through the town.


Financial and Staff Implications


17.             The implementation of the Traffic Regulation Order Amendments is included within the funding secured for the Town Centre Improvement Scheme for 2007/08.


18.             Funding for progressing the contra-flow cycle lane through to implementation is included within the funding secured for the delivery of the High Street elements of the Town Centre Improvement scheme.  Those works have recently been deferred to 2009/10.


19.             Oxfordshire Highways staff will undertake construction supervision and project management of the scheme.  The County Council’s Legal Services will prepare the Traffic Regulation Orders.  Mouchel Parkman staff will be employed for the completion of land acquisition where necessary.




20.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               authorise the making and implementation of the amended traffic regulation orders for loading/unloading and the provision of loading bays and disabled persons parking places in Stert Street and Broad Street, Abingdon as advertised and shown on drawing No. D&1/A3/0001; and


(b)              authorise implementation of the contra-flow cycle lane on East St Helen Street, including the necessary land acquisition as shown on drawing No. 0002523/B3322.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy

Background papers:             Consultation Documentation

Contact Officer:                     Andy Warren Tel 01865 815835 (TRO’s)

Catherine Browning Tel 01865 810415 (Cycle Lane)

November 2007


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