Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 22 November 2007


Return to Items for Decision



Division(s): Cowley and Littlemore









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  Requests have been received, through Oxford City Council for the highway gate located in Bailey Road to be relocated to Phipps Road. The reason put forward for the relocation of the gate was to remove the rat-running traffic from these roads.  This report details the results of the consultation carried out in August 2007 by the City Council on the proposal to move the highway gate. Proposals for the relocation of the gate can be seen in Annex 1 (download as .doc file).




2.                  In April 2007 formal consultation was carried out by the County Council on the proposed relocation of the highway gate in Bailey Road to the southern end of Phipps Road. Of the 61 letters received only 18 supported the proposed gate relocation.  All comments received were reported to the Transport Decisions Committee on 19 July 2007 when officers recommended that the proposal should not be implemented.


3.                  At that meeting City Councillor Keen presented a petition from residents in favour of the proposal. This support for the proposal conflicted with the opposition to it received during the formal consultation period.


4.                  Deferring a decision on the proposal the Transport decsisions Committee referred it to the Cowley Area Committee on 3 October 2007 for a formal view on the proposal.




5.                  Consultation was undertaken by the City Council over a two-week period between 24 August and 7 September 2007.  Letters with a response questionnaire were sent to all residents in Bailey Road, Boswell Road, Frederick Road, Knolles Road and Phipps Road.  A copy of the questionnaire is at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).  Each questionnaire was given a unique number to identify the property responding and to prevent them being duplicated.


6.                  The City Council Area Committee report of 3 October 2007 indicated that there was a 55% response rate. Out of the responses received 54% were in favour of the gate being relocated. Most Phipps Road and Boswell Road residents were favoured relocation of the gate while Frederick Road and Knolles Road residents were against relocation. A copy of the City Council’s letter supporting the proposals together with the committee report and extracts of the minutes of that meeting are attached at Annex 3 (download as .doc file).


Officer Comments


7.                  Relocating the gate will mean that residential access and egress will be limited to one direction only.


8.                  Of those responding 54% (74 responses) supported relocation.  With an overall response rate of 55% (137 responses) this equates to an overall percentage of 30% of the residents in support.  Of the 45% who did not respond it could be construed as providing support for the proposal.  Furthermore, the decision of the City’s Cowley Area Committee to support the proposal adds to the argument that the scheme should be implemented.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


9.                  The scheme, if approved, would contribute to one of the LTP objectives (Improving the Street Environment) by removing through traffic.  However, some benefit may be lost if local residents have to make longer journeys by car using the adjacent congested road network.


Financial and Staff Implications (including Revenue)


10.             Funding for the scheme and the necessary highway work would be provided by the City Council.  There are no staffing implications.




11.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve relocation of the highway gate from Bailey Road to Phipps Road as shown in Annex 1 (download as .doc file) (inset B) to this report.




Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation documentation


Contact Officer:                     Andrew Vidovic Tel: (01865) 810437


November 2007


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