Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 22 November 2007


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Barton & Churchill, Headington and Marston










Report by Head of Transport




1.                  The purpose of this report is to consider the comments and objections received to the formal advertisement and statutory consultation on the removal of a two hour parking place (where permit holders are exempt from the time limit) in London Road and a minor amendment to the location, and size of a permit holders only parking place in Gurden Place, within the Headington Northeast Controlled Parking Zone, Oxford.




2.                  Following the introduction of the Headington Northeast Controlled Parking Zone in January 2007, two requests have been received from local residents for minor amendments to the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO). These were to take into account the new vehicular access requirements of number 313 London Road following its conversion into two self contained flats and subsequent amendment to its off-street parking layout, and to amend the location of a Permit Holders Only Parking Place in Gurden Pace to improve access to off street parking.




3.                  The proposals would remove a `Two Hour Parking Place` (where Permit Holders are exempt from the time limit) located outside numbers 311 and 313 (a & b) London Road. In its place the order will provide ‘No Waiting at Any Time’. This is to prevent a newly constructed accessway from being obstructed by parked vehicles.


4.                  The proposed Order would also move the ‘Permit Holders Only’ parking place at the northern end of Gurden Place, two metres further south and extend its length by one metre. The relocation will allow for easier access to number 9 Gurden Place while the extension will enable two cars to use the parking place.


5.                  Plans showing the proposals are attached at Annex 1 (download as .pdf file).


Public Consultation


6.                  The proposals were advertised for public comment between 14 September 2007 and 12 October 2007 with notices published in the Oxford Times and posted on site. Letters were also delivered to properties in the immediate vicinity of the parking places. Councillors and other interested bodies were consulted and invited to comment at the same time.


7.                  Only one letter was received in response to the advertised proposal and this can be considered as an objection to the removal of the Parking Place in London Road and its replacement with ‘No Waiting at Any Time’. A copy of this letter is on deposit in the Members’ Resource Centre and a summary of the points made with comments by the Head of Transport is set out at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).


8.                  No comments were received regarding the proposals for Gurden Place.


9.                  In addition a telephone call was received by the Director from a local resident who wished to object to the proposals on the procedural ground that a TRO could not, in his view, be amended within its first 12 months. This is a misunderstanding of the regulations covering the TRO process.




10.             From the objection received the main issue seems to be what are the effects of losing one Two Hour Parking Place (where Permit Holders are exempt from the time limit) on the availability and demand for residents’ parking in the immediate area.


11.             Removing the single space will prevent the obstruction of an off street parking place, large enough to accommodate up to two vehicles associated with number 313a London Road. This would leave the objector having to compete with other residents for eighteen Parking Places open to Permit Holders within 100 metres of the proposal (two of which would be open to non residents).


12.             Alternatively, retaining the Parking Place` could result in up to two additional cars competing for the nineteen Parking Places open to Permit Holders within 100 metres of the proposal (three of which would be open to non residents).


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


13.             These proposals are in line with the LTP objective of improving the street environment.


Financial Implications (including Revenue)


14.             The cost of these proposals is estimated to be around £1000 (including advertising costs) to be funded from existing budgets.




15.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to authorise the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (Headington Northeast) (Controlled Parking Zone and Waiting Restrictions) (Variation No. 2) Order 200* as advertised.




Head of Transport


Background papers:             Nil.


Contact Officer:                     Stephen Axtell, Tel 01865 815967


November 2007


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