Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 22 November 2007


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Summertown & Wolvercote








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  On 29 March 2007 the then Cabinet Member for Transport approved the Summertown shopping area street environment enhancement scheme. The design of the scheme has now progressed to a stage where the detailed changes to existing parking areas and the limits of the proposed 20 mph speed limit have been identified.


2.                  Changes to the existing and the promotion of a new Traffic Regulation Order are therefore required to implement the scheme.


3.                  Formal consultation has been carried out on the draft orders, a new pedestrian crossing and entry treatments to side roads. As objections have been received this report seeks a decision on how to proceed with the scheme.


Traffic Regulation Orders


Parking Provisions


4.                  Discussions with local businesses and user groups have been undertaken and the changes to the parking being promoted are as follows:


·                    To remove five `30-minute limited waiting` parking places in Banbury Road Service Road and relocating them to Mayfield Road.

·                    To provide five `one-hour limited waiting` parking places in Mayfield Road.

·                    To amend the goods vehicles loading bays by reducing from three 10- metre bays to one 15-metre bay.

·                    To relocate the disabled persons parking bay from the north end of Banbury Road Service Road to the middle and provide two new places in Oakthorpe Road and South Parade.

·                    To relocate some existing cycle parking locations on the west side of Banbury Road and increase the number of cycle stands.


The details are shown at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).




20mph Speed Limit


5.                  The Summertown area meets the County Council criteria for implementing a 20 mph speed limit due to the high level of pedestrian activity and number of accidents in the area. The 20 mph speed limit is proposed from Lonsdale Road to Diamond Place and includes the eastern side-roads of Mayfield Road, Summerfield Road and Diamond Place.  The proposal is set out at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).


6.                  Within the extent of the 20mph speed limit it is proposed to treat the highway surface to emphasise to drivers the need to alter their behaviour when travelling through Summertown.  The exact details of the highway surface change will be developed during the detailed design process.


7.                  A separate order is being promoted to extend the 20mph speed limit into the side streets within an area bounded by Woodstock Road and Banbury Road Beechcroft Road and South Parade. That does not form part of this report and  will be brought to the Cabinet Member for Transport at a later date.


Pedestrian Crossing and Raised Entry Treatments


8.                  A new pedestrian crossing located centrally on Banbury Road and raised entry treatments at each side street are also proposed in the scheme. Those proposals are set out at Annex 3 (download as .doc file).




9.                  Public consultation was undertaken on all the above elements over a three-week period between 17 September and 5 October 2007.  Advertisements were placed in local papers with letters sent to all residents and businesses in Banbury Road and adjacent side street where directly affected by the proposals. Statutory consultees including CONTRA (the organisation representing taxi firms) Mobilise (formally Disabled Drivers Association) and Oxford City and County Councillors were also contacted.  Street notices were also erected on site.


10.             Nine responses have been received.  Stage Coach, Oxford Pedestrian Association and Oxford Civic Society support the proposals. One response was received neither supporting or objecting.


11.             Five objections were received. Thames Valley Police object to the proposed 20mph speed limit, two residents have objected to the parking proposals in Mayfield Road and two responses have objected to the raised entry treatments.


12.             No comments have been received from Oxford City or local County Councillors.


Officers Comment


13.             The objection from Thames Valley Police is on the grounds that 20mph speed limits are not generally enforced by the Police due to lack of Police resources and should be self-enforcing.  They consider there are insufficient engineering features for compliance with a 20 mph speed limit. Current speed data available shows average traffic speeds are around 20mph. Carriageway surface treatment within the speed limit area will seek to emphasize to drivers that they are in a 20 mph area.


14.             The additional parking should not affect the current flow of large delivery vehicles. However, there could be a slight increase in shopper traffic looking for parking spaces.


15.             The raised entry treatments particularly on the east side, will have ramps gentle enough and the top of the ramp long enough not to provide discomfort. The purpose of the feature is to project the footways across the side roads.


16.             A summary of all responses to the consultation with officer comment is set out at Annex 4 (download as .doc file) to this report.  A complete list of the comments received, together with a copy of the letters are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.


Financial and Staff Implications (including Revenue)


17.             The proposals described in this report are part of the overall scheme which is included in the Local Transport Plan 2006-2011 and will be funded through the LTP Capital Budget and Developer contributions. Cost estimate for the whole scheme is £1,482k.


18.             All work associated with this scheme will be carried out by staff from Oxfordshire Highways.




19.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve  implementation of:


(a)               short term and cycle parking measures;


(b)              a 20mph speed limit; and


(c)               pedestrian crossing and raised entry treatments;


as set out in this report and the relevant published traffic orders.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation documentation


Contact Officer:                     Andrew Vidovic; Tel (01865) 810437


November 2007


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