Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 17 July 2008


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport – 17 July 2008


Statement of Decision


20mph Speed Limits for Oxford



Cabinet Member for Transport : Councillor Ian Hudspeth


Graham Warrington (Corporate Core)

Peter Mann and John Disley (Environment & Economy)


Also in attendance: 

Other Members:

Councillor Roz Smith (Shadow Cabinet Member)

Councillor Jean Fooks  (local member)

Councillor Olive McIntosh-Stedman (local member)

Public Address:

Simon Hunt (Cyclox)

Christina Millest (Oxford Pedestrians Association)

 Richard Bradley (Life Begins @ 20)

City Councillor Susanna Pressel



Documentation considered:


20mph Speed Limits for Oxford


A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.

Summary of representations in person


Welcoming the proposals Simon Hunt referred to the high cost both personally and financially from accidents many of which were speed related and preventable if these proposals were introduced.  He congratulated the County Council on this bold initiative adding support for an extension of the proposals to include arterial roads.


Christina Millest also welcomed the proposal. Oxford traffic could be very intimidating particularly for the elderly and the 20 mph limit as proposed would go a long way to improving that situation, promoting a new attitude to urban driving and creating a safer and more pleasant environment.


Richard Bradley welcomed the proposal but stressed that a piecemeal approach should be avoided in order to prevent confusion among drivers and to make the scheme workable.   He called for wide consultation.


Paul Cullen also welcomed this bold proposal encouraging a return to a community use of our streets.  He also called for wide consultation to include the working community such as postal and refuse workers.


Graham Jones supported moves to improve safety and there were man y areas in the City which would benefit from introduction of a 20 mph limit.  However, a sensible balance needed to be struck by taking into account the interest of road users, potential challenges for local businesses and possible effects on efficiency of driving at lower speeds.


City Councillor Pressel welcomed the proposal but also felt that arterial roads should be included as these were also residential.  There wouild be little difference in journey times and a 20 mph blanket zone across the City would be self enforcing.


Councillor Fooks welcomed the proposal and supported the view that lower speeds would result in fewer accidents.  She referred to the need to consider traffic calming on the service roads either side of Sunderland Avenue and supported use of roundels (paragraph 5) in order to lessen clutter.


Councillor Smith asked whether areas outside the ring road such as Cutteslowe and Risinghurst would be included and urged detailed consultation and sensitivity on signing.


Mr Disley advised that the proposal had not been finalised but confirmed that areas outside the ring road would be included.  Further work would be undertaken finalising proposals prior to consultation. 


Cabinet Member’s Comments


Councillor Hudspeth thanked all the speakers for their contributions and assured each one that their comments would be taken into consideration.  This was a starting point and the County Council would be striving to strike a balance following wide consultation.  He advised Councillor Fooks that he would send her a copy of his response to a petition from Wolvercote ??? which had been presented at County Council seeking an extension of the 20 mph proposals to that area.




Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, the representations made to me and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decisions on this matter as follows:




(a)               approve the proposals contained in the report CMDT4 for informal consultation and for any views expressed during this consultation to be taken into account in the preparation of final proposals, including the publication of the necessary, speed limit orders, for formal consultation; and


(b)               undertake further work required to establish a funded proposal for reporting back to the Cabinet Member for Transport together with the results of the consultation.


Signed ......................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Transport


Date ………………………………….


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