Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 17 July 2008


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport – 17 July 2008


Statement of Decision


Progress of Approved Schemes – July 2008 Update



Cabinet Member for Transport : Councillor Ian Hudspeth


Graham Warrington (Corporate Core)

Peter Mann and Mike Barnes (Environment & Economy)


Also in attendance: 

Other Members:

Councillor Roz Smith (Shadow Cabinet Member)



Documentation considered:


Progress of Approved Schemes – July 2008 Update


A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.


Summary of representations in person


Councillor Roz Smith congratulated officers on the number of completed projects and green schemes.  However, she asked why Scheme 11/02, which had been agreed on 6 December 2002 remained work in progress and where specific schemes slipped as had happened with 1/08 that local members be notified.  She also suggested that future schedules include an indication of how schemes were financed.


Mr Barnes noted the comments regarding 11/02 and undertook to investigate the circumstances and report back as part of the next update and reported the following current updates:


25/07 - design work completed

39/07 – completed

1/08 – construction work February 2009

3/08 – Completed August 2008

9/08 – Completed

13/08 – Now amber due to problems with design work

17/08 - Completed


Cabinet Member’s Comments


Councillor Hudspeth confirmed that monitoring of the use of bus lanes by taxis had started.




Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, the representations made to me and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decisions on this matter as follows:


to note the report as updated and progress on the schemes.


Signed ......................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Transport


Date ………………………………….


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