Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 17 July 2008



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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport –

17 July 2008


Statement of Decision


Petitions and Public Address



Cabinet Member for Transport: Councillor  Ian Hudspeth


Peter Mann and Allan Field (Environment & Economy)

Graham Warrington (Corporate Core)



Also in attendance: 

Other Members:

Councillor Olive Mcintosh-Stedman

Councillor Jean Fooks



Summary of representations in person


Councillor McIntosh-Stedman presented a petition in support of 20 mph proposals for Oxford City.  Having experienced the effect of traffic accidents first hand in her career in the nursing profession she stressed that prevention was better than cure. She had first requested introduction of 20 mph limits in 2005 and hoped that the needs of Littlemore and Cowley would be met as soon as possible.


Councillor Fooks presented a petition calling for progress on proposals for extending the 700 service to the Churchill and other parts of Headington.  She referred to the need for better links from North Oxford and Water Eaton.


Mrs Ruth Escritt of 31 Ritchie Court, Banbury Road added that although there were many buses in North Oxford connections were not convenient affecting young and old alike especially with regard to hospital appointments.  As a one off taxis were a good alternative but were expensive on a regular basis.  There was an urgent need for the 7 service to travel right through or for the 700 to link with Churchill or Nuffield services.


Councillor Hudspeth thanked Councillor Macintosh-Stedman for her petition which would be taken into account under Item 2.


He thanked Councillor Fooks for her petition and Mrs Escritt for her submission and advised that the County Council’s bus team would investigate progress and continue to press for progress on these issues.




Signed ......................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Transport


Date ………………………2008


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