Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 15 February 2007

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Division(s): N/A




Report by Head of Transport


1.                  On the 20 July 2004 the Executive approved criteria and consultation procedures for the evaluation of proposals for 50mph limits.  The report suggested that up to four new 50mph limits could be implemented annually as casualty reduction measures.  The criteria were proposed by the Speed Management Reference Group comprising County Councillors who consider the potential for accident reduction based on the past accident record and the road environment.

2.                  This report details the results of a formal consultation carried out for a two year programme of proposed speed limits at seven locations in Oxfordshire.  The report seeks approval for officers to proceed with the detailed design and implementation of the schemes.


3.                  Simple casualty reduction solutions are increasingly rare as the most intense accident problems have been addressed and we must now adopt broader solutions to deal with an increasingly diverse spread of accidents. These 50mph limit proposals arose from accident analysis, which has suggested they have good casualty reduction potential and a developing speed limit hierarchy that seeks to ensure a consistent approach to setting limits.

4.                  There is a general concern that the introduction of limits, which adhere to Government guidelines, do not reduce speeds but just increase frustration and accidents.  Our experience in Oxfordshire suggests otherwise. Lower limits can give significant and sustained accident reductions on roads with a poor casualty record. We must remain objective and be guided by our data rather than hypotheses and conjecture when seeking to reduce accidents.

5.                  Oxfordshire County Council’s research has shown a reduction in accidents over other routes with 50mph limits of up to 30%.  This figure is similar to national research, which examined the relationship between speed and accidents on rural single-carriageway roads and concluded that a 10% decrease in mean speed reduced accident numbers by 26% and also reduced their severity.

6.                  Accidents are largely random in nature so we cannot be absolutely sure the proposals will result in casualty reduction.  However, our monitoring and national research gives us sufficient confidence to promote them.  Indeed initiatives such as this will be essential if we are to meet the Government’s challenging casualty reduction targets by 2010.

7.                  The proposed locations for the introduction of the 50mph limits are:



Holton to Islip

South Oxfordshire District



Milton Common to Thame

South Oxfordshire District



Thame to Postcombe

South Oxfordshire District



Ambrosden to Borstall.

Cherwell District



Charlbury to Wootton

West Oxfordshire District



Faringdon to Wantage

Vale of White Horse



Shilton to Lechlade

West Oxfordshire District

Copies of location plans are listed at Annexes 1 – 7 respectively.  Annex 8  details accident statistics based on figures for the last 5 years to December 2006.

(Annex 1 - download as .doc file)
(Annex 2 - download as .doc file)
(Annex 3 - download as .doc file)
(Annex 4 - download as .doc file)
(Annex 5 - download as .doc file)
(Annex 6 - download as .doc file)
(Annex 7 - download as .doc file)
(Annex 8 - download as .doc file)
(Annex 9 - download as .doc file)

8.                  Copies of the draft Orders and the Statement of Reasons are available for inspection in Document A to this report.  These are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.


9.                  Formal public consultation on the proposed speed limits was carried out between 15 December 2006 and 12 January 2007.

10.             Approximately 70 letters were sent to Councillors, Emergency Services, District and Parish Councils, Bus Companies and the Association of British Drivers.  Copies of the public notices appeared in editions of the local press appropriate for the area and were posted on street furniture along the affected roads.

11.             Cherwell District Council, Charlbury Town Council and Thames Valley Police have confirmed their support.

12.             Forest Hill with Shotover, Little Faringdon and Lewknor Parish Councils have also confirmed their support.

13.             A total of 74 responses were received, 12 in support, 62 against. Numerous issues were raised and these are listed along with an officer response in Annex 9, at the end of which there is a summary of the most frequent remarks with related officer comment.  Copies of the correspondence are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.

14.             The aims of the scheme are to reduce vehicle speeds and minimise accident risks and severity of injuries to casualties on lengths of road that currently have a poor accident rate.  This is in support of the need to meet the Government’s challenging casualty reduction targets by 2010.

Financial Implications (including Revenue)

15.             An allocation of £70,000 has been made in the 2006/07 Casualty Reduction Programme for 50mph speed limits to cover formal consultation, detailed design and implementation.  This will cover the two year programme for 2005/07.  Design work and construction will be carried out by Oxfordshire Highways.


16.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED:

(a)       to authorise officers to undertake detailed design work in respect of the proposed speed limit schemes detailed in Document A and as shown at the locations in Annexes 1 – 7 to this report;

(b)       that the speed limits detailed in (a) be introduced subject to authorising the Head of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport to resolve any concerns or comments which might result from the detailed design or the Road Safety Audit process should any arise.

(Statement of Decision)

Head of Transport

Background papers:             Location plans in Annexes 1-7, table of accident statistics in Annex 8, summary of consultation responses in Annex 9 and draft Orders and Statement of Reasons in Document A.

Contact Officer:                     James Wright                        Tel 01865 815551

January 2007

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