Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 15 February 2007

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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Members:

Cabinet Member for Transport – 15 February 2007

Petitions and Public Address


Cabinet Member for Transport: Councillor David Robertson


  Graham Warrington (Corporate Core)

  Steve Howell and Paul Fermer (Environment & Economy)

Mr Sydney Denton presented a petition (383 individuals, 47 businesses and a number of landlords whose holdings amounted to over 50,000 square feet of offices and letting units) outlining alternative proposals for the enhancement of Summertown.

Summary of representations in person

Speaking to the petition Mr Denton considered that whilst the proposals to enhance Summertown which had been presented at the public exhibition were highly commendable he wished to comment on one disadvantage of the proposed scheme.  The addition of a third crossing would effectively trap buses within all three, causing further traffic flow problems and pollution.  An alternative suggestion involved relocating and recycling pedestrian crossings to more strategic positions (removing the need for a third crossing) near Chancellors and Marks & Spencer. Relocating both existing bus stops to south and north of the new crossings would allow buses to pull out while crossings were in use.  These relocations would also make two bus stops redundant (outside the BBC and cycle shop) allowing a smoother flow of traffic through the central shopping area to the benefit of all

Signed ......................................................................

            Cabinet Member for Transport

Date ………………………2007

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