Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 14 September 2006


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Division(s): Banbury (Easington, Neithrop, Ruscote and Hardwick)




Report by Head of Transport

(Statement of Decision)


  1. On 14 September 2004 Jacobs Babtie was commissioned by Oxfordshire County Council to produce a route strategy for the Banbury Western Corridor, commencing on the A422 Ruscote Avenue at the junction with the A361 Southam Road and concluding at the junction with the A361 Bloxham Road.
  2. This resulted in the development of the Banbury Western Corridor Study which sets out the existing situation and problems and considers the traffic management improvements and proposals that could be implemented within the confines of the existing carriageway space.
  3. Background

  4. The study was commissioned to produce a package of measures that would enable the objectives of the Local Transport Plan (LTP) and the Banbury Integrated Transport and Land Use Strategy (BITLUS) to be delivered, whilst also taking into account other policies that would influence the corridor’s future transport programmes and objectives such as those contained with the Oxfordshire Structure Plan and the Non-Statutory Cherwell District Local Plan.
  5. A copy of the Banbury Western Corridor Study is available in the Members’ Resource Centre. A number of smaller scale schemes are already proceeding through design and implementation processes. The schemes that remain to be implemented are identified at Annex 1 (download as .doc file) and a map identifying locations will be available at the meeting. These include some further assessment of the larger scale proposals and the remaining improvements to footways and cycleways.
  6. Progress So Far

  7. Because the study was completed in May 2005 it was not fully agreed to in its complete form until the next meeting of the BITLUS Members Steering Group in January 2006. Progress made towards implementation of schemes in the first year (‘05/06) was in full cooperation with Banbury TAC and some schemes in their initial stages were refined through the TAC process, for example, how to control parking or protect bus stops.
  8. During that period the study and subsequent officer/Jacobs discussion has looked at four larger improvement proposals:

    • Ruscote Avenue and the Tesco Roundabout
    • Warwick Road Roundabouts and Cromwell Avenue
    • Roundabout Solution at Queensway / Bloxham Road
    • Reposition gaps in central reserve on Queensway

  1. The Ruscote Avenue / Tesco roundabout has been looked at alongside a right turn ban proposal for Beaumont Road (see below). Consultation has been undertaken and a separate report will be produced for the November Transport Delegated Decisions meeting.
  2. The Warwick Road/Cromwell Avenue scheme has not proved feasible in value for money terms. The TAC members have been fully involved in this judgement.
  3. The scheme on Bloxham Road has been taken forward in greater detail but the design is currently being scrutinised for cost savings in advance of a full project appraisal.
  4. The repositioning of the gaps in the central reserve on Queensway would be at Mascord Road and Bretch Hill. These have been discussed at TAC, but given the costs of over £150,000 the scheme has so far been deferred to enable smaller already identified improvements to proceed first.
  5. The most substantial of the smaller measures, which have either been carried out or are at the preparation stage, concern improved pedestrian movements between the northern area such as Bretch Hill and the schools further south including Easington and control of speed in the corridor. Further work has been undertaken on a number of elements contained within the package. The existing position is:

Schemes completed:

    • Broughton Road Pedestrian Refuge (05/06)
    • Queensway Primary School Pedestrian Routes Improvement (06/07)
    • Bloxham Road Pedestrian Refuge (06/07)

Still to do (imminent) with no further consultation issues:

  • Orchard Way Zebra Crossing
  • VAS speed information signs

Still to be completed with consultation and TRO aspects outstanding:

    • Protection of the bus stop at Bretch Hill corner
    • Beaumont Road right turn ban into Ruscote Avenue
    • Regularised parking along the corridor
    • Broughton Road Zebra

  1. Informal consultation has been completed for the Beaumont Road right turn ban which is an accident reduction proposal. Informal consultation with regards to Bretch Hill Corner no waiting and parking bays should be completed in time for the meeting and any issues will be reported orally. With regard to the extension of regularised parking bays and protection of the central reserve informal consultation may not have been completed in time for the meeting.
  2. Corporate Policies and Priorities

  3. This corridor study all works towards making the north-western side of Banbury a "special place in which to work and live" by making access, in particular to workplaces and schools, more efficient and effective. Officers have been working closely with the local TAC to take on-board local views and have been open with them about the funding position and prioritisation that therefore needs to be made. We have been maximizing value by implementing the "smaller" schemes quickly as they have an immediate effect and benefit to the public. Our value for money considerations have resulted in the decision to drop one of the major schemes being considered.
  4. Financial and Staff Implications

  5. The LTP assessment framework identified the congestion problems on part of this corridor as a medium priority and a limited amount of Single Capital Expenditure (SCE) was allocated to it in 2006/07 and 2007/08. Further funding will be sought through developer funding.
  6. The time required to implement the measures contained within the study, negotiate with developers and procure any additional funding would be met largely from existing staff resources and supplemented where required by our Term Consultants.

  8. The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:
          1. confirm that the Banbury Western Corridor Study forms part of the Banbury Integrated Transport and Land Use Study; and Annex 1 (download as .doc file) to this report as and when finance permits.

Head of Transport

Background papers: Banbury Western Corridor Study

Contact Officer: Suzanne Roberts Tel: 01865 815582

September 2006

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