Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 14 September 2006


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Members: Cabinet Member for Transport – 14 September 2006

Statement of Decision

Disabled Persons’ Parking Places – South Oxfordshire District


Cabinet Member for Transport : Councillor David Robertson


Graham Warrington (Chief Executive’s Office)

Mike Ruse and Christine Howard (Environment & Economy)

Also in attendance:

Other Members:

Councillor David Wilmshurst (Local Member, Thame & Chinnor)

Councillor Anne Purse (Local member, Wheatley)

Public Address:


Documentation considered:


Disabled Persons’ Parking Places – South Oxfordshire District Council

A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.

Summary of representations in person

Councillor Wilmshurst supported the proposals in his division.

Councillor Purse supported the proposals for Forest Hill. She expressed some disappointment that provision could not be supported in High Street, Wheatley but accepted the rationale for that decision.

Mr Ruse advised that the penultimate sentence in paragraph 10 should be deleted.

Cabinet Member’s Comments

Councillor Robertson expressed regret that not all requests could be met. However, he accepted that the grounds for reaching the conclusions in the report were sound and that everything possible had been done with regard to full consultation.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, the representations made to me and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decisions on this matter as follows:

(a) to authorise variations to the Oxfordshire County Council South Oxfordshire District) (Disabled Persons’ Parking Places) (Amendment) Order 20** as published in order to provide for:

(i) seven new DPPP proposals at High Street, Dorchester-on-Thames; Mickle Way, Forest Hill; Bell Street, Henley-on-Thames; Greys Hill, Henley-on-Thames; Wilson Avenue, Henley-on-Thames; Fane Drive, Berinsfield; and Estover Way, Chinnor as set out at Annex 1 to this report;

(Annex 1 - Plan 1 - High Street, Dorchester on Thames - download as .doc file)
(Annex 1 - Plan 2 - Mickle Way, Forest Hill - download as .doc file)
(Annex 1 - Plan 3 - Bell Street, Henley on Thames - download as .doc file)
(Annex 1 - Plan 4 - Greys Hill, Henley on Thames - download as .doc file)
(Annex 1 - Plan 5 - Wilson Avenue, Henley on Thames - download as .doc file)
(Annex 1 - Plan 6 - Fane Drive, Berinsfield - download as .doc file)
(Annex 1 - Plan 7 - Estover Way, Chinnor - download as .doc file)
(Annex 1 - Plan 8 - Wellington Street, Thame - download as .doc file)
(Annex 1 - Plan 9 - Mount View - Henley on Thames - download as .doc file)
(Annex 1 - Plan 10 - High Street, Wheatley - download as .doc file)

(ii) the formalisation of one existing advisory DPPP at Wellington Street, Thame as specified in this report;

(b) to refuse the applications for a DPPP at Mount View, Henley-on-Thames, and High Street, Wheatley.


Cabinet Member for Transport

Date ………………………2006

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