Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 14 February 2008


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Shrivenham









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  The purpose of this report is to consider the objections / comments received following the consultation and formal advertisement of a proposal to implement traffic calming measures along Majors Road, Watchfield. The measures consist of three sets of two speed cushions, all 75mm high, as shown on the plan included at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).


2.                  The speed cushions were proposed in conjunction with a new zebra crossing and a reduction in the existing speed limit from 40 mph to 30 mph. No adverse comments or objections were received in relation to the consultation and formal advertisement of the zebra crossing and speed limit elements of the scheme.




3.                  Watchfield Parish Council and Defence Management (Watchfield) Ltd have requested that a formal crossing be provided on Majors Road in order to facilitate the movement of pedestrians from the residential area of Meadow Road to the shops and other commercial premises at the Triangle Site.


4.                  A Section 106 contribution of £25,000 was taken from the public house development on the Triangle Site in order to provide such a crossing. No additional funds are available and this relatively small sum of money restricts the choice of pedestrian crossing to a zebra.


5.                  The existing speed limit on Majors Road is 40 mph. Zebra crossings should not be installed on roads with an 85%-ile speed of 35 mph or above (the speed that 85% of the traffic is not exceeding). A 24hr / 7 day speed survey was undertaken in September 2006 and the recorded 85%-ile speeds were 36.3 mph westbound and 38.4 mph eastbound.


6.                  The implementation of the speed cushions (in conjunction with a reduction in the speed limit on Majors Road from 40 mph to 30 mph) has been proposed in order to physically constrain vehicle speeds to the required level.




7.                  Consultation with statutory consultees and affected frontagers was carried out between 2 April 2007 and 30 April 2007.


8.                  The proposals were subsequently advertised in the local press on 13 September 2007. Notices were erected on site, and copies of the notices, draft Order, statement of reasons and plans were posted to all the statutory consultees and affected frontagers.


9.                  One letter of objection (to the speed cushions) has been received from local residents. A summary of this objection together with the Officers response has been tabulated and included at Annex 2 (download as .doc file).


10.             A letter from Thames Valley Police has been received stating that they have no objection to the proposed measures. A letter from Watchfield Parish Council has been received stating that they welcome the plans. An email from Defence Management (Watchfield) Ltd has been received stating that they are extremely pleased with the project.




11.             The proposed speed cushions are considered to be necessary in order to reduce vehicular speeds and will provide a safer environment for vulnerable road users and give a positive benefit to road safety.


Financial and Staff Implications


12.             The scheme is being funded from the £25,000 Section 106 contribution taken from the public house development on the adjacent Triangle Site.


13.             The design of the scheme has been undertaken by Oxfordshire Highways.  &E




14.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to authorise the implementation of the traffic calming measures as advertised.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Annex 1: Plan

Annex 2: Summary of objections and comments


Contact Officer:                     Lee J Turner, Tel. 01235 466120


February 2008


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