Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 14 February 2008


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Wheatley








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  Improvements to the cycle/footway on Horspath Road, Horspath included the provision of street lighting between the junction with Roman Way and the entrance to Horspath Sports Ground.  As a result the length of road should be subject to a 30 mph speed limit.  This is considered inappropriate and a 40 mph speed limit is proposed.


2.                  This report details the responses received by the Council after the advertisement and consultation carried out between 2 and 30 November 2007 on the proposal to implement a 40 miles per hour speed limit on the length of Horspath Road as shown on Annex 1 (plan) (download as .doc file).


Background to the Proposal


3.                  The existing speed limit is 60 mph, with the provision of a system of street lighting resulting in the road becoming a ‘Restricted Road’ and normally subject to a 30 mph speed restriction.  


4.                  The length of Horspath Road subject to this report does not have development on either side and would, without street lighting, remain governed by the National 60 mph speed limit for single carriageway roads.   Given the improved facilities, there will be an increase in the number of movements by vulnerable classes of road user (pedestrians and cyclists).  In order to reduce the risk of accident a speed limit of 40 mph is proposed.


Response to Advertisement of Proposal


5.                  Three responses were received in total: two respondents, Thames Valley Police and Cyclists’ Touring Club supported the proposal; Horspath Parish Council objected to the proposal.


6.                  The Parish Council has responded ‘that it  is pointless to impose this restriction on such a short stretch of road and would also mean that from Roman Way to Horspath there would be 3 speed restrictions, namely 30 mph, 40 mph and 60 mph.  The Parish Council would like to suggest that, rather than waste taxpayers money on such a short stretch of road, it would be more beneficial to road users, pedestrians and cyclists if a speed restriction of 40 mph was imposed from Roman Way right up to the entrance of Horspath village where it then reduces to 30 mph.’

7.                  Thames Valley Police has been contacted to obtain a view on the comments of the Parish Council, and it does not support an extension to the proposal as suggested by the Parish Council as such a speed limit would be at variance with both National Guidance and the County Council’s policies on speed limits.


8.                  The distance between the eastern end of the proposed speed limit and the western end of the 30 mph speed limit at Horspath village is 820 metres.  This is greater than the minimum distance between speed restrictions set out in National Guidance.




9.                  A system of street lighting will normally result in a speed limit of 30 mph.  However, the lack of development of any kind between Roman Way and the Sports Ground with no junctions or accesses directly onto Horspath Road would, using both National and Local criteria, suggest that the National Speed Limit be applied.  There will still be 820 metres between the end of the proposed limit and the start of the 30 mph speed limit at the village.


10.             The existing shared cycle/footway on the south side of Horspath Road, between Roman Way and the Sports Ground will attract greater use as a result of the installation of street lighting.  This, in turn, will result in an increase in use by pedestrians and cyclists who will have to cross Horspath Road to access the Sports Ground.


11.             The proposed 40 mph speed limit will reduce the risk of accident involving pedestrians and/or cyclists using the improved facility.




12.             The full costs of the proposal and works can be met from the Southern Area Local Safety Schemes budget.




13.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               approve the making of the proposed Traffic Regulation Order; and


(b)              authorise the works necessary to implement the proposal.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:            Nil


Contact Officer:                     Malcolm Bowler, Senior Traffic Technician, Environment & Economy

February 2008


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