Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 14 February 2008


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Barton & Churchill








(VARIATION No.[11]) ORDER 200*


Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report deals with the proposal to introduce No Waiting at Any Time along a section of North Way which lies immediately to the North of Bayswater Road close to the Green Road (Headington) Roundabout.




2.                  The Order is being promoted in response to requests from residents’ representatives to remove a hazard caused by parked vehicles following the redevelopment of the former Fox Public House; the planning consent envisaged that this work would be required.


3.                  The layout of restrictions has been designed to reduce danger to all road users by preventing parked vehicles from obstructing visibility to traffic using North Way, Barton. This is particularly significant for those vehicles leaving the off street parking area belonging to the Ellington Court development. Additionally, the proposed restrictions would facilitate the free movement of vehicles which include local bus services.




4.                  The Order will amend the City of Oxford (Various Streets) (Waiting and Loading Restriction) Consolidation Order 1997 (as amended) by adding areas of No Waiting at Any Time to the following:


(i)                 Northern side of North Way between its junction with Bayswater Road and south-eastern boundary of number 18 North Way;

(ii)               Southern side of North Way between its junction with Bayswater Road and a point approximately opposite the access to Ellington Court; and

(iii)             Both sides of Edgecombe Road, for approximately 11 metres from its junction with north Way.


5.                  A Plan of the proposals is attached at Annex 1 (download as .pdf file).


Public Consultation


6.                  The proposals were advertised for public comment between 16 November 2007 and 14 December 2007 with notices published in the Oxford Times and posted on site. Letters were also delivered to properties in the immediate vicinity of the parking places. Councillors and other interested bodies were consulted and invited to comment at the same time.


7.                  Six replies were received in response to the advertised proposal. The Police and Fire and Rescue Service raised no objections. Of the remaining correspondence one was supportive but made comments about the Ellington Court development rather than these proposals. Another was broadly supportive but requested additional no waiting restrictions while the remaining two opposed the proposal. Copies of all the responses are on deposit in the Members’ Resource Centre and a summary of the points made with officer comments are set out at Annex 2 (download as .pdf file).




8.                  From the objections received the main issues seem to be the loss of parking immediately outside Ellington Court, its effects on Residents’ convenience, property value and the effects that displaced parking will have on adjacent heavily parked roads as well as the free flow of traffic.


9.                  As there will remain a long length of unrestricted parking on the southern side of North Way, it is considered that the effects on residents will be minimal whilst the benefit would be better visibility for vehicles leaving the development. It is believed that the risk of buses being obstructed is likely to be less than at present because parking would be prohibited on at least one side of the road at a point where no restrictions are currently in force. It is also considered unlikely that any significant additional parking will displace into Edgecombe Road due to the closer proximity of uncontrolled lengths of North Way.


How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives


10.             These proposals are in line with the LTP objectives of Safer Roads and Improving the Street Environment.


Financial Implications (including Revenue)


11.             The cost of these proposals is estimated to be around £2000 (including advertising costs) to be funded from Section 106 contributions obtained from the developers of Ellington Court.




12.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is recommended to authorise the making of The Oxfordshire County Council (Various Streets Oxford) (Waiting and Loading Restriction) Consolidation (Variation No.[11]) Order 200* as advertised.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Letters and E Mails Received as Part of the Formal Consultation.


Contact Officer:                     Stephen Axtell, Tel 01865 815967


February 2008


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