Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 14 February 2008


Return to Items for Decision


Division(s):  Banbury Grimsbury & Castle








Report by Head of Transport




1.                  This report considers Cherwell District Council’s request for an Agency Agreement to pedestrianise Parsons Street in Banbury.

(Plan - download as .doc file)




2.                  In 1991 part of High Street, Broad Street and Bridge Street were pedestrianised.  Since then, continued investment in the town centre has significantly increased the general level of activity, which has resulted in greater conflict between motorists and pedestrians in some of the town’s older streets.


3.                  To address this situation, Cherwell District Council would like to investigate the potential for extending the pedestrianisation in the town centre into Parsons Street.


4.                  In order to make progress with this scheme the District has formally requested an Agency Agreement to revoke the current Traffic Regulation Order, promote a new Traffic Order to pedestrianise the street and to carry out the physical works on the highway.


5.                  Officers have considered this request and, although they fully support the request for an Agency Agreement to undertake changes to the traffic regulations, they are of the opinion that a Section 278 agreement is a more appropriate arrangement to enable Cherwell District Council to carry out the physical works.  This will ensure that the County Council has proper control over the works, which affect and form part of the adopted highway.


Financial and Staff Implications


6.                  This scheme will be designed and wholly financed by Cherwell District Council, and County Council Area Office staff will liaise with District Council staff regarding the Traffic Regulation Orders as part of their normal duties.  The construction of the physical works will be carried out using a Section 278 agreement and staff inspection costs refunded through this agreement.




7.                  The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               approve the request from Cherwell District Council for an Agency Agreement to enable them to revoke current Traffic Regulation Orders and promote a new Traffic Order in Parsons Street, Corn Hill, Market Place, Butchers Row and Bridge Street, Banbury as necessary; and


(b)              refuse the request from Cherwell District Council for an Agency Agreement to enable them to construct the works but agree that the works are to be carried out under a section 278 Agreement.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             None


Contact Officer:                     Ralph Grant, Tel: 0845 3101111


February 2008

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