Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 12 February 2009



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Division(s): Didcot Ladygrove










Report by Head of Transport




1.                  As part of Oxfordshire County Council Better Ways to School (BWTS) programme Ladygrove Park Primary School developed their Travel Plan to encourage alternative, healthier modes of transport to school and reduce car usage and resultant traffic congestion around the school during the school run period.


2.                  The developed Travel Plan includes a series of measures as listed below:


(a)               pedestrian school entrance on Avon Way to be relocated;

(b)               the existing yellow SCHOOL KEEP CLEAR road markings on Avon Way to be extended;

(c)               the existing build out on Tyne Avenue to be extended in order to permit pedestrians to use it as a platform for a suitable uncontrolled crossing point;

(d)               encourage those attending the school to park in Didcot Town Football Club/Oak Tree Medical Centre car park adjacent to Tyne Avenue;

(e)               narrowing the bellmouth of the vehicular access to the school to eliminate inappropriate traffic speed and to widen the footway;

(f)                 installation of flat top road humps adjacent to school accesses.


3.                  The installation of road humps requires a public consultation and this report details the results of that consultation and seeks approval for implementation.

(Annex 1 - download as .doc file)




4.                  The Developed Travel Plan, a traffic survey and site observations during a typical morning school run formed the basis for the proposed scheme.


5.                  As an integral part of the scheme, it is essential to provide safer crossing points in the proximity of both school entrances as pedestrians are obscured by the line of parked vehicles on street.


6.                  Installing flat top road humps in close proximity to both of the school entrances, one on Tyne Avenue and the other on Avon Way, will provide a defined focal point where pedestrians will be elevated and more conspicuous to traffic.




7.                  Formal consultation was carried out between 17 November 2008 and 7 December 2008 by public notice in the local press, street notices and letters to statutory consultees, interested groups and residents affected along Avon Way/Tyne Avenue. Full details of the proposals were available to view at County Hall Oxford and Didcot Town Council offices for the duration of the consultation period.


8.                  A total of 5 responses have been received. Two in support (including Didcot Town Council) and three objections from residents stating that the humps would not address the cause of the congestion or encourage healthier forms of transport to and from school.


9.                  A summary of the responses along with officer comment is set out at Annex 2. (download as .doc file) Copies of all correspondence are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.


Officer Comments


10.             The road humps together with the other proposed measures will provide safer defined crossing points with potential for future upgrade to patrol crossing or a permanent controlled crossing.


11.             The humps will encourage drivers to adhere to the 30 mph speed restriction along Tyne Avenue & Avon Way and provide protection to pedestrians crossing these roads close to the school.


How the project supports LTP2 objectives


12.             The proposed flat top road humps will provide safety improvements to all road users and enhance the accessibility of local footways with the footway network along Avon Way and Tyne Avenue.


Financial Implications (including Revenue)


13.             The cost estimate for the whole scheme including the flat top road humps is within the £78,000 budget allocated from the BWTS programme. The scheme is on programme to be implemented early in 2009/10.




14.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve installation of the three proposed flat top road humps as part of the better ways to school improvements at Ladygrove Park Primary School and as shown on drawing number D&I/A4/0248.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background papers:             Consultation Documentation


Contact Officer:                     Ralph Green, Telephone: 01865 815816



3 February 2009


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