Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Thursday, 8 January 2009




Return to Items for Decision


Division(s): Kidlington and Yarnton









Report by Head of Transport




1.                  The purpose of this report is to consider the proposal to amend the current A44 Trunk Road Clearway Order, taking into consideration any objections/ comments received following the consultation and formal advertisement.  The extent of the restrictions is shown on the plan at Annex 1 (download as .doc file) the proposed ‘Prohibition of Stopping’ along the continuous length of the A44 Oxford to Woodstock dual carriageway road, from the Peartree Roundabout junction with the A34 to the Bladon roundabout junction with the A4095.




2.                  The A34 northwest of Oxford (towards Gloucestershire) was reclassified as the A44 following the completion of the new A34 extension to the M40 northeast of Oxford from the Peartree Roundabout.  The A44 is no longer a trunk road and the existing clearway conditions are no longer considered appropriate.


3.                  It is considered appropriate, however, that the clearway remains on the dual carriageway sections of the A44 from the Peartree Roundabout to the Bladon Roundabout.  Normal traffic management measures, such as double white lines, no overtaking signs etc will remain on the single carriageway north of Woodstock.


4.                  This proposal also creates the opportunity to consider citing some new bus stops to serve villages on this route.  Local consultations are ongoing with the measures aimed at improving amenities in rural areas by providing easier access to public transport services.




5.                  Consultation with statutory consultees and affected frontagers was carried out between 17 October 2008 and 21 November 2008.


6.                  The proposal was subsequently advertised in the local press (The Oxford Times, Banbury Guardian and the Witney Gazette).  Notices were posted along the affected route and copies of the notice, draft order, statement of reasons and plan were posted to all the statutory consultees.



7.                  Four objections were received in total during the consultation period.   Three of these concerned the possible closure of bus stops.  This was due to a misinterpretation of the notices put up along the A44.  The objectors were reassured that there was no intention to re-locate or close any bus stops, rather the order created the possibility for additional stops in the future.


8.                  The fourth objection was from a Woodstock Town Councillor and member of the A44A Group, who expressed concerns about plans to amend the current A44 Clearway Order.  The objection was based on the perceived impact on traffic speeds through Woodstock, on air quality, installation of Premium Route bus stops, and the effect the amended Clearway Order might have on the possibility of downgrading the A44 in the future.  Responses to these points were made by various officers (Annex 2) (download as .doc file).  Clarification was given of the effect of the proposed clearway order on these issues.




9.                  The 24 Hour Clearway 200* to prohibit stopping is proposed in the interest of updating the existing clearway conditions that are no longer required and to allow the opportunity to consider the placing of bus stops along the A44 to serve villages through which the road passes.


Financial and Staff Implications


10.             The cost of introducing this stopping restriction will be approximately £2000 (subject to verification).


11.             The preparation of the order has been undertaken by Environment and Economy staff as part of their normal duties.




12.             The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               approve the making of the Oxfordshire County Council – The A44 Oxfordshire (Prohibition of Stopping) (24 Hour Clearway) Order 200* as advertised; and


(b)              authorise the necessary works to implement the proposal.



Head of Transport

Environment & Economy


Background Papers:            Nil


Contact Officer:                     Natalie Moore, Assistant Transport Planner

Tel: 01865 815729

November 2008


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