Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Friday, 6 October 2006


Return to Items for Decision

Division(s): Henley-on-Thames, North and South




Report by Head of Transport


  1. This report considers the result of a public consultation and formal advertisement of a proposal to amend the waiting restrictions on the north side of Market Place, Henley-on-Thames by replacing the existing ‘Police Bays’ with permitted ‘Waiting Limited to 20 minutes. No Return within 40 minutes, 8.00am to 6.00pm’, as shown on the plan at Annex 1 (download as .doc file). This is identical with the restrictions on other lengths of Market Place.
  2. Background

  3. The current Traffic Regulation Order allows for a length of road on the north side of Market Place to be used solely by vehicles in connection with the Police. This reflects the restricted parking available to Police at the former Police Station on the corner of Market Place and Kings Road.
  4. The Police Station re-located to Greys Road in the recent past. Available vehicle parking at the new Police Station remains restricted with additional space having been made available in the adjacent public car park.
  5. As a result of the re-location of the Police Station it was felt that the parking bays at Market Place should be made available to the public for short stays close to the Town Centre to encourage additional visitors and promote the town’s economy.
  6. Consultation

  7. Formal consultation and advertisement was carried out between 26 May and 23 June, 2006.
  8. Notices were published in the Henley Gazette and placed on the affected length of road. The plan was deposited for inspection at Henley Town Hall throughout the consultation period.
  9. One letter of objection was received. This was from Thames Valley Police and indicated that the bays allowed a marked Police vehicle to be parked in the Town Centre which is seen by them to have a positive effect on reducing crime and disorder in the area. The objection also remarks that the future of the former Police Station remains uncertain and that Thames Valley Police feel it would be unwise to relinquish the bays at present. The proposed Order carries with it the normal exemptions in respect of Police vehicles and vehicles which are permitted by Police/Traffic Wardens to wait in otherwise restricted areas. Thus, Police will always be able to stand/wait/park in positions where the presence of a marked Police vehicle will have the desired effect or where and when it is necessary in the course of their duties.
  10. Financial Implications (including Revenue)

  11. The proposal is being funded from the Area Office Local Safety Scheme Budget at a total cost of approximately £1,000.

    (Statement for Decision)

  13. The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve the proposed amendment to the Waiting Restrictions Order in Market Place, Henley-on-Thames.

Head of Transport

Background papers: Nil

Contact Officer: Peter Ronald, Tel 01235 4662139

September 2006

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