Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Friday, 6 October 2006


Return to Items for Decision

Division(s): Watlington




Report by Head of Transport


  1. This report considers the results of the public consultation/formal advertisement of a proposal to revoke part of the existing one-way Traffic Order and to implement a ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restriction on the length of Gorwell, Watlington between its junctions with Brook Street and Old School Place. These are shown on the plan at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).
  2. Background

  3. Oxfordshire Fire & Rescue Service and Watlington Parish Council asked for the existing one-way Traffic Regulation Order on Gorwell, Watlington to be revoked between the junctions with Brook Street and Old School Place.
  4. Gorwell is subject to a one-way Traffic Regulation Order allowing vehicles to travel from High Street in a south-west direction to the junction with B4009, Brook Street. A short distance north-east of the junction with Brook Street is Watlington Fire Station, almost opposite to which is the junction with Old School Place.
  5. Watlington Fire Station is a ‘Retained’ Station. The officers working from the Station are volunteers from the community who respond and crew the fire appliance when required. These volunteers have other occupations, living and working in the community and attending the Fire Station from wherever they may be at the time of the call.
  6. The existing one-way system on Gorwell means that firefighters attending the Fire Station from the Brook Street side of the village on cycles or in motor vehicles have to travel along Brook Street, Couching Street, High Street and most of the length of Gorwell, rather than being able to access the Fire Station via Brook Street and a short length of Gorwell. This will result in a delayed mobilisation time (time from call to appliance moving) and response time (time from call to attendance of first appliance at scene).
  7. Of less consequence is that the existing traffic system means that on each occasion it returns from a commitment the fire appliance has to travel along High Street and Gorwell to access the Fire Station.
  8. The amendment to the ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ restriction will remove the possibility of vehicles parking opposite the Fire Station, which might cause obstruction or danger. It will also apply to the road opposite a proposed ‘build-out’ on the west side of the road close to the junction with Old School Place as shown on the plan at Annex 1 (download as .doc file).
  9. Consultation

  10. Formal consultation and advertisement was carried out between 19 May and 16 June, 2006.
  11. Notices were published in the local Press, deposited for inspection at the Village Library and posted on the affected length of road throughout the consultation period.
  12. A number of responses were received. There were 4 objections and two letters of support the detail of which are set out in Annex 2 (download as .doc file). The objectors expressed concern about queues forming in Gorwell at the junction with Brook Street and also in Brook Street when vehicles wait to turn into Gorwell. In the case of Gorwell any queues at peak times may reduce its attractiveness as a ‘rat run.’ On Brook Street, should queues form, they will act as a slowing or calming feature on traffic on B4009.
  13. Financial Implications (including Revenue)

  14. The proposal is being funded from the Area Office Local Safety Scheme Budget at a total cost of approximately £5,000. This includes the cost of making the amended traffic order, traffic signing and markings and the construction of a physical ‘build-out’ at the junction with Old School Place.

    (Statement for Decision)

  16. The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to approve:
          1. the proposed amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order; and
          2. construction of the physical measures and the erection of signing and road markings necessary to implement the amendment to the Traffic Regulation Order .

Head of Transport

Background papers: Consultation documentation

Contact Officer: Peter Ronald, Tel 01235 466139

September 2006.

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