Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Friday, 6 October 2006


Return to Items for Decision

Division(s): Bloxham




Report by Head of Transport


  1. Developer George Wimpey West Midlands Ltd has acquired an area of land to the south west of the junction of the A361 and Ells Lane Bloxham, for the purpose of building 27 new houses. They have entered into an Agreement with the County Council under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 to carry out improvements to the highway including provision of a controlled crossing on the A361. Exact details of the crossing such as type and location are to be agreed following consultation with the County Council and other interested parties.

  2. This report details the results of the informal consultation carried out for a proposed crossing in a location yet to be formally agreed but in accordance with the Schedule of Works as laid out in the developers Planning conditions. The report seeks approval for officers to further investigate suitable locations and measures as necessary in order to approve the development.
  3. Background

  4. On 26 May 2006, a Section 106 Agreement was signed and sealed between the County Council, District Council, Land Owner and Developer George Wimpey, for the purpose of granting planning permission for the development of the area of land to the south west of the junction of the A361 and Ells Lane Bloxham. The area is to be used for provision of new housing.

  5. As a condition of the planning consent the developer has entered into an Agreement with the County Council under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 to carry out improvements to the highway including provision of a controlled crossing on the A361. At this early stage the developers have submitted preliminary designs for a controlled crossing between a pedestrian access to the development and the Warriner School.

  6. These proposals formed the basis for an informal public consultation. The County Councils School Travel Plans Development Team has been working closely with the Warriner School and has a good understanding of the schools problems. This crossing may be incorporated with other measures to compliment the schools travel plan development.
  7. A plan showing an indicative location can be found AT Annex 1 (download as .doc file) .
  8. Consultation

  9. An Informal public consultation on the proposed crossing was carried out between 25 July and 18 August 2006.

  10. Letters were sent to ten frontagers with a further 7 to Councillors, Emergency Services, District and Parish Councils and Warriner School. Seven responses were received, 3 of which offer support for the scheme. One was opposed to the location on safety grounds and the remaining 3 made general comments relating to the proposed location. Numerous issues were raised and these are summarised along with an officer response at Annex 2 (download as .doc file). Copies of the correspondence are available in the Members’ Resource Centre.

  11. Cherwell District Council has confirmed its support but has raised concerns relating to physical amendments to the highway, which should be kept as low key as possible and would wish to see traffic issues for the surrounding area investigated. These issues can be addressed during the detailed design stage.

  12. The Warriner School also welcomes a crossing but have stressed the importance of siting it in the optimum location in order to best serve the needs of those crossing to gain access to the school and so that it can be done as safely as possible. They also wish to see traffic issues for the surrounding area investigated reiterating the views of the District Council. The ultimate location can be determined following further consultation with the school, the developer and the County Council’s School Travel Plans Development Team. Additional survey work can be carried out to determine desire lines and potential usage patterns for the crossing. Investigation of traffic issues in the surrounding area is beyond the scope of this scheme but every effort will be made to locate the crossing so as not to exacerbate existing traffic problems.

  13. Thames Valley Police also confirm support and say a crossing should be a positive benefit to road safety.
  14. How the Project Supports LTP2 Objectives

  15. The aims of the scheme are to:
    • provide a link across the busy A361 which severs the community;
    • enhance facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable road users; and
    • minimise any accident risks as far as possible.
  1. These aims will provide benefits required in LTP2 by improving accessibility with additional benefits to reducing the potential for vulnerable road user accidents.
  2.   Financial Implications (including Revenue)

  3. The scheme is to be developer funded in accordance with the Section 278 Agreement at no cost to the County Council. Oxfordshire Highways officers are to approve detailed design and implementation by others but in accordance with County Council standards and codes of practice. Oxfordshire Highways staff costs will be recharged to the developer.

    (Statement for Decision)

  5. The Cabinet Member for Transport is RECOMMENDED to authorise further development, detailed design and implementation of the proposed scheme as indicated on the plan attached at Annex 1 to this report and subject to the Head of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport resolving any concerns or comments resulting from the detailed design and/or the Road Safety Audit process should any arise.

Head of Transport

Background papers: Summary of consultation responses

Contact Officer: James Wright Tel 01865 815551

September 2006

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