Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Friday, 6 October 2006


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Members: Cabinet Member for Transport – 6 October 2006

Statement of Decision

A361 Banbury Road Bloxham, Ells Lane Proposed Controlled Crossing


Cabinet Member for Transport: Councillor David Robertson


Graham Warrington (Chief Executive’s Office)

Steve Howell and David Clough (Environment & Economy)

Documentation considered:


A361 Banbury Road Bloxham, Ells Lane Proposed Controlled Crossing

A copy is attached to the signed copy of this decision.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, the representations made to me and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decision on this matter is as follows:

to authorise further development, detailed design and implementation of the proposed scheme as indicated on the plan attached at Annex 1 to the report CMDT4 and subject to the Head of Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport resolving any concerns or comments resulting from the detailed design and/or the Road Safety Audit process should any arise.


Cabinet Member for Transport

Date ………………………2006

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