Meeting documents

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport
Friday, 6 October 2006


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Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Members: Cabinet Member for Transport – 6 October 2006

Statement of Decision

A415 Route Improvement


Cabinet Member for Transport: Councillor David Robertson


Graham Warrington (Chief Executive’s Office)

Steve Howell, Roger O’Neil, Daniel Round and Adam Sawyer (Environment & Economy)

Also in attendance:

Other Members:

Councillor Zoë Patrick (for Councillor Bob Johnston Shadow Cabinet Member for Transport)

Councillor Iain Brown (local member Hanneys & Hendreds)

Public Address:

Mr Chris Naylor (Standlake Parish Council)

Documentation considered:


A415 Route Improvement

Addenda Sheet with Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee comments

Copies are attached to the signed copy of this decision.

Summary of representations in person

Referring to the unsuitability of the A415 as a route for HGVs Mr Naylor called for a weight limit on Newbridge to encourage use of the A40, A34 and A420. The feasibility of such a move had been seen during the recent 6 month closure of the A415 during which time traffic had been required to find alternative routes. Proposals to retain the Marcham Bypass line and build a new bridge at Newbridge would maintain pressure on the A415 and he called for an environmental weight limit on the route until a bypass for Standlake was built.

Councillor Brown considered it imperative that the Marcham Bypass line was protected and pressure for the construction of a bypass maintained. In the meantime he called for alleviative measures for the village.

Referring to the strategic nature of this route Councillor Patrick asked about the current status of proposals for a Standlake Bypass, whether there would be a public inquiry into proposals for Newbridge and suggested that recommendation (c) be strengthened to protect the river crossing.

Mr O’Neil confirmed that protection of the line of the Standlake Bypass had ceased in 1997/98 although that did not mean that a bypass could not be built.

Cabinet Member’s Comments

Supporting the reasoning set out in the report for removing the A415 route improvement programme Councillor Robertson recognised the need to continue to investigate means to protect Newbridge, which was structurally unsafe and provision of alleviative measures for villages along the route.

He noted the comments of the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee regarding the need to maintain a bus service between Witney and Abingdon College along the A415 route.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before me, the representations made to me and the further considerations set out above, I confirm my decisions on this matter are as follows:

  1. remove the A415 route improvement between the A34 and A40 from the County Council’s Longer Term Transport Improvement Programme;
  2. cease to protect the lines for the Kingston Bagpuize Link Road and Cokethorpe Bends Improvement;
  3. instruct officers to take into account the need to not attract additional traffic onto the A415 when evaluating options for the new river crossing at Newbridge; and
  4. approve the continued protection of the Marcham Bypass.


Cabinet Member for Transport

Date ………………………2006

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